NH Bill Actions

1. NH Bills of Interest This Week

For a full-page view, hover over the spreadsheet and click the small grey box with the arrow at the top right.

NH Bills of Interest

2. How to Submit Your Position on a Bill Online


Pick a bill from the "NH Bills of Interest" table above.  Information you'll need about the bill (committee name, hearing date, bill number) is provided there.  Then browse to the appropriate Online Testimony Submission page:



3How to Testify on a Bill in Person at a Committee Hearing

Sample Testimony - NH Network Members - January 18, 2022

Bonnie Christie spoke about Extended Producer Responsibility and her part starts at about 26:15.  Rep. Parshall Spoke first and then Lee Oxenham, also a bill sponsor, spoke just before her. 

Currently, testimony can only be done in person.  There are ongoing efforts to re-instate the option of online testimony.


Senate: gc.nh.gov/senate/committees/senate_committees.aspx

4.  How to Email Written Testimony on a Bill to Committee Members

In addition to submitting written testimony online (Section 2), it's impactful to also email the Committee members directly.  A group is maintaining an email lists of committee members for us here: 2025 House Rep Contact Info Sheet 

You can also go directly to the source, a find the members of a committee listed with contact information download the Members Roster spreadsheet from the General Court site (then open the spreadsheet document, sort the rows by the committee column, and copy/paste the emails from the email column).  For Senate committees you can also send email via the committee webpages.  Start at the committee's page:


From there, click on "Email Entire Committee" for the committee of interest.

Put "Testimony", the Bill Number, a few words about it, and 'oppose' or 'support' in the Subject.  Be respectful, courteous, and concise in your message for the best results.

5General Court Resources

Check to see if your Representatives are showing up to vote and how they voted on roll call votes on the House or Senate floor, find bill details, and access hearing and floor vote schedules:


Contact newhampshirenetwork@gmail.com to get more information or to join us.
