Upcoming Events
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 5:30 - 6:30 pm — A Free Virtual Event
New Hampshire is one of roughly 45 states with an officially designated advocate for the interests of utility ratepayers. However, the Legislature will soon consider a bill that would abolish the office altogether or absorb it into another state agency.
Presenter: Donald M. Kreis, New Hampshire Consumer Advocate
Moderator: Mary Beth Raven, NH Network Steering Committee
Don Kreis, who has served for nearly nine years as Consumer Advocate, will explain why an independent ratepayer advocate is more critical than ever for New Hampshire at the state, regional, and federal levels. The session will cover:
What is a consumer advocate, and how do NH ratepayers benefit from having one?
How does a consumer advocate work with the NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC)?
How does a consumer advocate work with the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group? (and what IS the Consumer Liaison group? And why should you care?)
Consumer Advocate Kreis will discuss his efforts to reform New Hampshire’s Public Utilities Commission and regional regulator ISO-New England and the current efforts to abolish his office.
Readers of InDepthNH will be familiar with Kreis’s “Power to the People” column, which is informative, entertaining, and peppery. “Utility regulation in New Hampshire is broken,” wrote Kreis in December. The Public Utilities Commission is “pursuing an aggressive policy agenda that is bad for ratepayers, disrespectful in the face of consensus, and unmindful of the PUC’s statutory role.” Messengers of bad news don’t usually fare well, but Kreis dares to speak the truth as he sees it.
Why Attend: Don Kreis is a champion of initiatives that have benefited NH ratepayers and that the current PUC seems eager to roll back: the energy efficiency programs of NH Saves, stable prices for ratepayers opting out of community power arrangements, and the benefits of net metering for all NH ratepayers, as determined in the recently commissioned “Dunsky” study. Don Kreis added up the items in the small print to warn us that Eversource rate increases would amount to 42%. Will his advocacy cost him his position? Consumer Advocate Donald Kreis has been indispensable for New Hampshire ratepayers.
Monday, January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Which bills of this legislative session will promote sustainability in New Hampshire – and which will hold us back? Three stalwart environmental champions from the New Hampshire House and the Senate share their views of the year ahead, suggesting ways we can best support their efforts to pass critical bills impacting our natural resources and energy systems.
We’ll make sure you know how. There will be a quick tutorial on how to register your opinion, either in person or online. Join us!
Representative Tony Caplan, Merrimack - District 8
Committee: Science, Technology, and EnergyRepresentative Wendy Thomas, Hillsborough - District 12
Committee: Science, Technology, and EnergySenator David Watters, Dover - Senate District 4
Current Committees: Energy and Natural Resources, Finance, Capital Budget
✔ Past Events and Recordings
We apologize, but this event was canceled due to circumstances beyond our control.
X The Aftermath of Fast Fashion
Textile Waste and Environmental Impact
Monday, December 9 from 6:00-7:30 PM
After oil, fast fashion is the second most polluting industry on the planet, producing 4% of the world's total carbon emissions. It takes 2,000 gallons of water to make just 1 pair of jeans. 87% of materials used to make clothing are landfilled — one truckload every second. The fashion industry causes 35% of the plastic waste in the oceans, and only 1% of clothes are recycled into new garments. (Source: 47 Official Sustainable Fashion Statistics).
Moderator: Dr. Mary Elizabeth Raven, NH Network Steering Committee member and the Citizens' Climate Lobby liaison to Senator Jeanne Shaheen.
Presenter: Julia DeVoy, PhD, MTS, MBA, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Students, Boston College
Dr. DeVoy will trace the current status of textile waste in the United States, its global public health impacts, and associated issues of environmental injustice.
✔ Climate Security as a Human Right
Compelling our governments to hold fossil fuel producers accountable
Compelling our governments to hold fossil fuel producers accountable
Guest speakers
Carly Phillips (Research Scientist for Climate Litigation, Union of Concerned Scientists)
NH Representative Tony Caplan (Henniker)
Mike Meno (Center for Climate Integrity)
Recorded Monday, November 18 at 5:30 PM
Legislation and policy innovations are notoriously slow-paced, while climate changes are accelerating rapidly. Over the last few years – in some places – progress has been made on another front: Litigation in the courts. Courts have held that governments have an obligation to protect their citizens from climate disasters and environmental degradation. Costs may be significant.
Fossil fuel producers and traders – who’ve known for decades that negative impacts from their products were likely – can be held accountable. Fiscal prudence dictates that we be clear-eyed about the future.
Can we get bipartisan support for such a process in our state? We invite specialists to catch us up on preparatory steps being taken in NH and elsewhere.
✔ Campaigning for the Climate
How to raise the issue of climate change in the upcoming elections - both local and national - with candidates from any party.
RECORDED: Oct 7, 2024
Election day is November 5, so now is a great time to talk about environmental issues in your community.
Our panelists share strategies and tips on how to have productive climate discussions with candidates and voters, followed by a group discussion:
Representative Rebecca McWilliams - member of the NH House Science, Technology, and Energy Committee
Representative Nicholas Germana - member of the NH House Environment and Agriculture Committee
John Gage - NH state coordinator for Citizens' Climate Lobby
This event is a follow-up to our "Climate Voters Unite" and "Keep NH Green Environmental Summit" events.
See also: Slides, Chat, & Transcript.
For a primer, see the article published in the Concord Monitor and the October-November issue of Green Energy Times: Talk Climate With Candidates.
Additional resources from recent NH Network Campaign Events and beyond:
Questions to ask candidates (bird-dogging, candidates' forum, face-to-fact opportunity)
CCL training: Strategies for attending Candidate Events
Set up a "Climate Voter Information" table on election day
Climate Collaborative's "Get Out the Vote" Campaign
The League of Women Voters of NH: Guide to Organizing and Moderating Candidate Forums
✔ Water Woes in New Hampshire
PFAS, cyanobacteria, landfill runoff, E. coli, lead, arsenic – what’s going on and what can we do about it?
RECORDED: September 23, 2024
Adam Finkel, PhD, public health expert, University of Michigan, resident of Dalton, NH
Rep. Wendy Thomas, NH Legislator, Hillsborough County, resident of Merrimack
Tom Irwin, VP & Director, CLF NH
Dr. Reinmar Seidler
Dr. Cynthia Walter
New Hampshire is blessed with an exceptionally rich network of rivers, streams, and wetlands, along with nearly 1000 public lakes and ponds. Yet, we may not be managing this precious resource optimally. Do we have the institutional frameworks required to diagnose, monitor, and solve systemic problems before they become chronic? How does NH’s record compare with our peers in New England? How can we improve the situation? These are the questions our guests will address in this interactive session.
✔ Run a local Climate Cafe
NH Network Climate Working Group Event
June 19, 2024
Moderator: John Gage, state coordinator of NH for Citizens' Climate Lobby
Presenter: Maria Finnegan; NH Healthy Climate (formerly NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action)
✔ Climate Voters Unite!
Thursday, June 13 at 6:00 PM
Learn how you can be involved with NH Network member environmental groups to make the environment and climate a top-level issue in the upcoming elections.
✔ Climate Solutions Update 2024
Peek Under the Hood of the New En-ROADS!
May 20, 2024
MIT Sloan and Climate Interactive's En-ROADS climate policy simulator is a powerful way to gain insight into what we need to do to achieve our important climate goals. Join us to learn about the latest update and how to put En-ROADS to work!
The 2024 En-ROADS updates include:
Assessing the impact of “Agricultural Emissions” and “Waste and Leakage”
Analyzing methane emissions and methane intensity from energy, agricultural production, and waste management
Evaluating nature-based solutions for carbon dioxide removal.
Presenter: Josh Loughman - Director of Modeling and Technology at Climate Interactive
Moderator: Reinmar Seidler - Research Assistant Professor of Sustainability & Climate, UMass Boston
Get your climate solution questions answered
Learn from the experts how En-ROADS works
See why En-ROADS is an invaluable tool for everyone from students, to climate advocates, to policymakers.
Climate action: John Gage - Citizens' Climate Lobby
Starts at 1:13:30: En-ROADS demonstrates that the steadily rising carbon price of Carbon Fee and Dividend, extended through 2100 and pushed worldwide through a CBAM, gets us halfway to our global 1.5˚C target. That price on pollution also makes nearly all the other policies required for 1.5˚C easier to do. Help create the political will needed for Congress to do it by sending them an email using the quick and easy tool at
The presentation notes include links to videos and supporting resources: Political will for Carbon Fee and Dividend Slides.
✔ Community Choice Aggregation and Energy Justice - May 8, 2024
Sarah Kelly is a geographer with fifteen years of experience in community-based research on water and energy equity. As an applied researcher, she was trained in the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology at the University of Arizona. Sarah holds long-term research relationships with Mapuche-Williche communities in Chile, where she has investigated hydropower, cultural cartography, and Indigenous rights. In 2021, she co-founded the Energy Justice Clinic at Dartmouth College. Originally from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Sarah is excited to expand upon local collaborations in New Hampshire and Vermont to support making the energy transition more just and accessible for all. Sarah's research is published in Energy Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, and Geoforum, among other journals.
Dr. Reinmar Seidler will be introducing the speaker and moderating the Q&A session. He teaches conservation biology, sustainability science and climate change at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and serves as a member of the Steering Committee for the New Hampshire Network for Environment, Energy & Climate. His research focuses on impacts of climate change and other global change on biodiversity and people's livelihoods in the Eastern Himalaya.
This webinar was co-sponsored by the NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action.
✔The Beauties & the Beasts
of NH's environment, energy and climate bills
✔ The True Cost of Food
Why does local food cost more than what we buy from the grocery store?
In this workshop, Hungry Bear Farm owner and operator Gene Jonas will share a holistic analysis of the costs of the industrialized food production systems that dominate the landscape today and why buying local is actually better for you and your wallet.
March 20th from 5 to 6 PM on Zoom
✔ Building Codes: Your health, your wallet, and energy efficiency
March 7th from 4-5 PM
~ Moderator: Paul Friedrichs, MD, Family Medicine physician; Board Chair, NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, there has been a mass migration of humans from fresh outdoor air to inside buildings. Most of us spend more than 90% of our time indoors, and indoor air quality is directly linked to our health.
Three building code bills before the State House this year will reduce the energy efficiency of newly built homes, and negatively affect indoor air quality and our health.
Learn about the importance of healthy energy codes. (See recording.)
✔ Unwrap the Future II: Global and Local Solutions to Plastic Pollution
Monday — February 12, 2024 - 7:00 PM
A celebration of the second anniversary of the
Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit
Globally, each year more than 380 million tons of plastic waste harm our health, pollute our environment, and hurt our economy. This program will highlight practical solutions for reducing plastic waste in the business and restaurant sectors, current research on plastic pollution policy, and legislation being considered in New Hampshire to address single-use plastics, extended producer responsibility, container deposit programs, and PFAS regulations.
Christina Dubin, Senior Organizer, Beyond Plastics; Campaigns Coordinator, Surfrider NH; Co-Founder, NH Network Plastics WG
Patsy Beffa-Negrini, PhD, RDN, Founding Member, Plastics WG
“By the Numbers, Ten Towns * Ten Actions Toolkit Two Year Impact”
Overview of the success of the Ten Towns Ten • Actions Toolkit Campaign at work in 47 towns across all regions of New Hampshire.
Yayoi Koizumi, Founder, Zero Waste Ithaca
“BYO (Bring Your Own): Community Level Strategies for Zero Waste”
Hear about “Ithaca Reduces | BYO,” which has over 100 businesses that welcome customers to Bring Your Own containers, bottles, utensils, bags, and K-12 school reusables.
Dr. Zoie Diana, Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
“Research & Policy on Plastic Pollution Solutions”
Discussion of the Plastics Policy Inventory, a global body of government responses to plastic pollution, and the Policy Effectiveness Library, research on the effectiveness of the policies.
Christina Dubin, Board Chair, Seacoast CAN, Campaigns Coordinator, Surfrider NH
Learn about the Seacoast area restaurants reusables pilot, Reusable Seacoast, and Surfrider Foundation NH Chapter’s Skip the Stuff Campaign.
Cindy Heath, Founding Member and Convener, NH Network Plastics Work
Update on Container Deposit, Skip the Stuff, PFAS & EPR Legislation in NH
Please note that the video above starts at about 8 minutes into the meeting, so the video lacks the first few slides of Patsy's presentation.
Patsy Beffa-Negrini:
Unwrap the Future II - By the Numbers
Yayoi Koizumi
BYO (Bring Your Own): Community Level Strategies for Zero Waste
Dr. Zoie Diana
Research & Policy on Plastic Pollution Solutions
Christina Dubin
Seacoast area restaurants reusables pilot, etc.
Cindy Heath
Update on Container Deposit, Skip the Stuff, PFAS & EPR Legislation
See also the meeting chat.
✔ Funding Sources for municipalities, businesses, nonprofits & individuals:
What is out there and how can we access it?
About the panelists:
Melissa Elander works on clean energy projects with towns, schools, and nonprofits in Coös County and northern Grafton County. Melissa worked as an Energy Auditor and Weatherization Project Manager in the North Country of New Hampshire before joining Clean Energy NH. She has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Plymouth State University and a Master of Arts in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development from American University.
Nora E Hanke is the Program Manager at Monadnock Sustainability Hub, a nonprofit serving the 34 towns of SW NH (all of Cheshire, a little of Hillsborough and Sullivan Counties), whose mission is to cut carbon emissions from every sector of the economy. Nora has an MS in Environmental Studies from Antioch University New England, and drives a Chevy Bolt. She had building envelope improvements performed on her (previous) home, and then had solar arrays installed for electricity and hot water.
Elizabeth McKenna serves as a Special Assistant for Policy and Projects for U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire. She is a liaison between community members and legislative staff to help advance Senator Shaheen’s legislative and appropriations priorities. She covers several policy areas including environment, energy, agriculture and health. Over the past four years, Elizabeth has served in Senator Shaheen’s office in multiple roles and previously worked for a higher education nonprofit. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from Catholic University.
✔ A day in the life of a NH lobbyist
A view into the workings of the NH legislature
Monday, January 22, 2024
7:00 PM on Zoom
Featuring Jim O'Brien
NH Deputy State Director,
The Nature Conservancy
How often to legislators seek out lobbyists for advice?
Have you suggested legislation?
How much influence do lobbyists have vs. public input vs party affiliation?
How do you measure your success?
What goes on "behind the curtain" that is important for the public to know?
✔ The History & Context for NH's Air Quality
(and the Energy Policies that got us here)
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Chris Skoglund, Director of Energy Transitions, Clean Energy NH
As we look ahead to the bills that will come before the New Hampshire legislature in 2024, it helps to understand the trends and policies of the past two decades.
Air quality is inextricably affected by climate policy. Energy, transportation, residences, agriculture, and waste practices all contribute to climate change and to NH's air quality. We have had some years of record emission reductions — what have we been doing right? What can NH do better?
✔ Military Forward Planning for Climate Risks
November 13, 2023
From its far-flung bases to its key supply lines and its significant energy consumption, the armed services
must make sober and realistic assessments of climate risks.
Learn why the U.S. Military considers climate change a serious security concern and how it is preparing for the challenges ahead.
Special Guest Panel:
Robert Smith, CPTN US Navy (ret)
Dennis McGinn, VADM US Navy (ret)
Lisa Marie Cheney, former principal, DASD
Thomas Oppel, Chief of Staff (ret) Navy Sec'y
Moderated by: Reinmar Seidler, NH Network co-manager
✔ Planning for Offshore Wind and Sustainable Fisheries in New England
September 18, 2023
Guest Expert Panel and Presentations
Elizabeth Methratta (NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center) - Presentation
Cheri Patterson (NH Fish & Game Department) - Presentation
David Goethel (Center for Sustainable Fisheries)
Tiffany Smythe (USCGA & University of Rhode Island)
Moderated by Reinmar Seidler, Sustainability Professor at UMass Boston
Sorry! Due to technical difficulties the recording of the first half of the event is unavailable. We've posted the available recording and presentations here.
Offshore wind is said to be New England’s greatest untapped energy resource. Realizing that potential, however, is no simple exercise. The Gulf of Maine also contains some of the world’s richest fishing grounds.
Is offshore wind compatible with New England’s fishing industries?
The answer to that kind of question is nearly always “It depends!” Find out what it depends on, and how sustainable fisheries and sustainable energy systems might coexist.
News on our event topic, October 2023:
✔ August 12 — 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center, Laconia, NH
In conjunction with Save Forest Lake and other NH Environmental Groups
Great Media Coverage!
Concord Monitor: Summit to address state’s environmental issues
Eagle Tribune: Summit looks to unite NH’s environmental organizations
Concord Monitor My Turn: Project 2025 and the environment
NH Business Review: Enviro advocates mull ways to nurture support
We brought: Our own mugs for coffee/tea, a bag lunch, and enthusiasm! Handouts, information, business cards, flyers, stickers about our organizations.
Thank you for helping to make this a zero-waste event!
GOAL: Future planning: New Hampshire needs your vision to grow & stay healthy! Where do we go from here?
• 9:00 - 9:30 — Coffee and Networking (Group Information Sharing)
• 9:30 - 10:30 — Presentations by Groups. Hear from organizations about issues of concern and how we can help each other.
• 10:30 - 10:40 — Break
• 10:40 - 12:00 — Breakout Groups to discuss messaging, recruitment, legislation, etc.
• 12:00 - 12:30 — Brown-Bag Lunch. Debrief on Breakout Groups. Schedule another Summit elsewhere in NH?
✔ 3rd Annual All-Network Gathering
Saturday, June 17, 2023, 8:30 a.m. to noon and then hiking!
Concord City-Wide Community Center • (603) 225-8690
14 Canterbury Road, Concord NH 03301
8:30-9:00 AM
Check In, Potluck Breakfast/Snacks and Socializing
Bring something to share and your own place settings. Please strive for Zero-waste!
9:00-10:40 AM
Expanding Our Impact: Visioning As We Network
World Cafe Conversations - whole group and breakouts; bring your writing tools
10:40-10:55 AM Break
10:55 to Noon
Turning Our Visions Into Actions
Open Space Conversations - whole group and breakouts
12:30 PM
Bag Lunch and Trail Walk at NH Audubon Silk Farm Property
Enjoy nature with Network friends and the Plastics Working Group - LINK to Trail Map
Thanks to our Facilitators
Dr. Paul Friedrichs of NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action and
Cindy Heath of the NH Network Plastics Working Group
✔Clearing the Fog
Benefits & Challenges around
Offshore Wind in New England
June 5, 2023
Concord Monitor reporting of this event:
N.H. lags in luring offshore wind’s economic benefits
By DAVID BROOKS Monitor staff, Published: 6/7/2023
Offshore wind is said to be New England’s greatest untapped energy resource. Today, Europe has well over 5000 offshore turbines producing carbon-free energy. The US has exactly five.
There is a strong push to access this clean energy, but – it’s complicated! There is pushback from many quarters. A fog of myths and misconceptions is gathering around the issue.
In this event, our panel of stellar experts will dispel the fog of misinformation, to help us understand the real benefits and challenges of offshore wind in New England.
Off Shore Wind Topics Explore:d
➤ Marine biodiversity impacts
➤ Transmission challenges
➤ Labor standards
➤ Business & supply chains
➤ Policy & politics
➤ Opportunities
Rob Werner —League of Conservation Voters and NE4OSW
Carol Oldham, Northeast Director, Business Network for Offshore Wind - on business & supply chains
Melissa Birchard, Senior Policy Advisor, Grid Deployment Office, US DoE - on transmission challenges & solutions
Joe O’Brien, Political & Legislative Director, N. Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters - on labor
Stan Labak, Lead, Center for Marine Acoustics, BOEM - on marine biodiversity impacts
Amber Hewitt, Offshore Wind Program Director, National Wildlife Federation - on wildlife Impacts
WHAT: Our five panelists discussed the specific benefits and challenges of moving to deploy clean energy from offshore wind in New England and the Gulf of Maine. They will dispel myths around OSW and map out pathways forward.
✔ Everyone, from farmers and clean energy advocates to school gardeners and local food distributors,
plays a part in building a food system that is resilient in the face of our changing climate. But how?
Monday, May 8th, 2023
Colleen Stewart, of the NH Food Alliance (a program of the Sustainability Institute at UNH), will share a presentation about building a climate-resilient food system in New Hampshire.
Paige Wilson, Waste Reduction and Diversion Manager at the NH Department of Environmental Services
Maureen Prohl, New London Waste Reduction Committee, and Representative Karen Ebel, Chair NH Solid Waste Working Group, will dive deeper into one way we can all contribute to a climate-resilient food system — fighting food waste through composting.
Additional Resources
Read & review “How Do We Build a Climate Resilient Food System in New Hampshire? Six Ways that Sustainable Food Systems Build Climate Resilience,” framework (10 mins) LINK >>
Watch “Where Global Climate meets Local Food,” recording of the NH Food Alliance’s January Network Cafe (optional, 1 hour) LINK >>
Watch “Wasting Less Food in New Hampshire,” recording of the NH Food Alliance’s February Network Cafe (optional, 1 hour) LINK >>
✔ Which Climate Solutions Work for You, Your Community, and the World?
Monday, April 24th, 2023 ~ 7:00-8:30 PM
We Test Attendees' Favorite Climate Solutions at a Climate Solutions Workshop using MIT's En-ROADS Climate Policy Simulator
Explore how dozens of major climate policies compare
Learn how different policy combinations interact
Discover the impacts on emissions, temperature, energy costs, human health, sea level rise, biodiversity, and more!
✔↝ Crossover Season in the NH Legislature ↜
the Beauties & the Beasts
of NH environment, energy and climate bills
Three prominent lawmakers and two scientists gave their insights into bills that need our support or opposition:
Sen. David Watters, Dover (Senate District 4)
Rep. Sherry Dutzy, Nashua (Hillsborough District 6)
Rep. Lucius Parshall, Marlborough (Cheshire District 8)
Cynthia Walter, PhD
Kristie Ellickson, PhD
Meeting Description
April 10, 2023 ~ 5:30-6:45 pm on Zoom
Three prominent NH legislators and two scientists discussed “the Beauties” and “the Beasts”— the environment, energy and climate bills that have survived committee, House or Senate to “cross over” to the other chamber of the Legislature.
Of special concern this year is the threat of toxic pollution from “Advanced Recycling.” Scientists Walter and Ellickson explained the science of measuring cumulative effects, which could make a difference in legislation to provide safeguards for new (and old) technologies.
We discussed bills that should be supported, those to oppose, and why.
Refresh your focus on the bills that still might pass in the
2023 Legislative Session!
✔ Union of Concerned Scientists 2022 Final Report:
New England State Climate Action Assessment
Monday, Feb 13, 5:30-7:00 PM
A Discussion of the USC's New England State Climate Action Assessment report with a special focus on New Hampshire.
Presented by:
Jo Field and Miriam Israel, UNH Sustainability Institute Summer Fellows
Roger Stephenson, Northeast Regional Advocacy Director, UCS
Moderated by Dr Reinmar Seidler, UMass Boston & NH NETWORK
State governments must play critical roles to mitigate future climate impacts – given the lack of adequate leadership from the federal government.
Are New England states on track to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate impacts? How is New Hampshire faring?
UCS researchers spoke with decision makers and environmental leaders in the six New England states. They also examined legislation and policy statements. How do actions taken compare with the stated policies?
What does UCS recommend to improve climate resiliency in New England and in NH?
✔ Clean Energy and Lower Bills with Community Power:
A Transformative Energy Solution for New Hampshire
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 — 7:00 to 8:30 PM (Q&A at 8 PM)
What your town, city, or county needs to know to participate.
NH communities pay soaring energy prices, due to over-reliance on natural gas for generating the bulk of our electricity, a lack of forward-looking state energy policies, and outdated electric utility restructuring laws.
Community Power gives NH communities control of their energy supply decision-making including: access to potentially less costly electricity, development of innovative local energy supply projects, and benefits to local and state economies.
This event brings together leading proponents, organizers and providers of Community Power to explain the who, what, when and how for others to seize this unique opportunity.
Panelists: Clifton Below, Assistant Mayor of Lebanon ● Henry Herndon, Energy Consultant ● Don Kreis, NH Consumer Advocate ● Joshua Bourdon, Founder Derry NetZero Task Force ● Jeff Moulton, Chair of Derry NetZero Task Force ● Bart Fromuth, Freedom Energy Logistics ● Stuart Ormsbee, Colonial Power Group ● Terry Clark, Cheshire County Commissioner ● Lisa Sweet, Rye Energy Committee ● Joe Kwasnik, moderator, NH Network Legislative Work Group
Community Power is coming to New Hampshire this spring. Energy costs are skyrocketing, and New Hampshire utility customers are paying the price. Everyone wants access to clean power with lower bills. Community Power can do it for you and more utility customers!
Over the last decade the threat of high rates from the utilities, expensive alternatives, air pollution, and the dearth of options for clean energy has given rise to a local option, one that will put your community in control instead of the utility. Community Power is an effective way to choose cheaper, clean energy for your home, business, town offices and other buildings. An option that will help you to pay less, act on climate, and lower air pollution whenever energy is used. This year, the NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC) ironed out the regulations under which Community Power could operate. Currently several NH communities are preparing to flip the “go” button starting this spring.
Community power is now a real option for you and your community. Do you live in an apartment, a condo, a small house, a place in the shade or something similar? This is for you! You are invited to discuss and learn how to bring Community Power to your neighborhood from local experts, community leaders, and supporters.
Produced by the Town of Derry’s very own Public Television, Derry Cam, and the Derry NetZero Task Force.
Supporting Organizations: NH Network, Clean Energy NH, LCV, NH Sierra Club, NH Carbon Cashback, RAD NH, 350 NH, Freedom Energy Logistics, Colonial Power Group, and Community Power Coalition of NH.
We’d like to remind you that FOUR service providers are available to communities considering adopting a Community Power plan, each with slightly different offerings. Here is contact information for those providers:
Emily Manns, Standard Power ,
Stuart Ormsbee, Colonial Power,
Bart Fromuth of Freedom Energy Logistics,
Henry Herndon, Community Power Coalition of NH,
✔ NH Network Presents: Transactive Energy
The Electric Grid of the Future - January 13th, 2023
Our aging electric grid was not built for solar panels, batteries, and cars that act like a battery and give energy back to your house.
We need “smart grids” that can use “transactive energy” to:
Coordinate energy sources,
Improve grid operations,
Reduce peak grid load,
And minimize the need for more poles or wires.
Transactive Energy will cut costs, saving NH consumers millions of dollars each year.
✔ NH Network Presents: Local Action, Global Impact
Using the Power of Communities to Move Us Forward!
December 5th, 2022
An event to help us — individuals, small groups, towns & cities — take the LOCAL actions that when enough of us do them, will have GLOBAL impacts.
How we did it - Templates you can use - Why citizen actions matter
Slides: Plastics and Carbon Cash-Back
Slides: Solar Project Warrant Articles
Resources, templates, and links document:
Taking action on Plastics: Proclamations, resolutions, warrant articles, surveys, community conversations, collaborations – they can all begin with us, citizen activists!!
Presentations from members of NH Network’s Plastics Working Group:
Christina Dubin, Portsmouth: Beyond Plastics, Surfrider
Bonnie Christie, Hopkinton
Kristine Baber, Dover
Mary Armstrong, Harrisville
Taking powerful action on Climate: A citizen's petitioned warrant article for your town!!
What 37 NH communities have done, and how you can help yours do it too. Congress is listening!
John Gage, Windham, on New Hampshire’s climate warrant article project
Select Board-Sponsored Warrant Articles: A citizen's petitioned warrant article for your town!!
What NH North Country communities have done to get Solar Projects deployed, and how you can help yours do it too.
Melissa Elander, Clean Energy NH, Energy Circuit Rider (North Country)
✔ A Conversation with Tom Sherman and Colleagues
Candidate for NH Governor Senator Tom Sherman, NH Representative Kat McGhee, and NH Senator David Watters joined the New Hampshire Network for a conversation about environment, energy, and climate policy - past and present. A personal look at how these influential veteran legislators prioritize policy options and work to get things done in the NH State Legislature, and their recommendations to control energy costs while addressing related concerns.
This election cycle is as significant as any in our lifetimes. How will we in New Hampshire approach our urgent environmental challenges over the next few years? OUR CHOICES WILL MATTER! Come pull up a chair and chat with three prominent leaders as they ponder NH’s environmental future with us. What are your priorities for protecting our landscapes, precious natural resources, and quality of life? What policies will best take us forward into an uncertain but opportunity-rich future?
(...and what can we do about it?)
Soaring energy bills are top-of-mind in New Hampshire these days. Can we blame them all on the war in Ukraine, or are they a result of policy action and inaction over a number of years? Two experts on the NH energy scene discuss how we got here and explore ways to remedy the situation.
Sam Evans-Brown, Executive Director, Clean Energy NH; Former NHPR “Ask Sam” expert
Donald M. Kreis, NH’s Consumer Advocate
Moderator: Joe Kwasnik, Former Chairman, Board of Directors, NH Electric Coop; Manager of NH Network’s Legislative Working Group
We’ll hear the backstory of NH and federal energy policies along with international developments which have resulted in today’s high energy prices. We examine the paths taken or not taken, and consider possibilities for the future.
✔ NH Network Annual Summit!
Networking for a Sustainable New Hampshire:
What We Can Do Together
Saturday, June 18, 2022
What we’ve accomplished this year – and what’s up ahead
Hear from our members and our partners
Presentations (see below) and round-table discussions
Future planning: The NH Network needs your vision to grow & stay healthy!
Health For Our Bodies
Robert Dewey, MD, Vice Chair of NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action, past president of NH’s affiliate of the American Heart Association, “A climate emergency is a health emergency.”
Slides: How Does Climate Change Affect our Health?
Health For Our Communities
Jonathan Jarvis, Director of State Operations & Correspondence for the office of Senator Jeanne Shaheen, “How your Congressional Office can be a resource in obtaining Federal funds”
Slides: How Your Congressional Office Can Be A Resource In Obtaining Federal Funds
Healthy, Sustainable NH Businesses
• Dan Weeks, Vice President for Business Development of ReVision Energy, NHBSR Board of Directors
“Mobilizing New Hampshire’s business community to combat the climate crisis”
• Susan Kaplan, Founder of Sustainable Futures Consulting, UNH Instructor of Sustainability in Action; Member and Volunteer with NHBSR. “How members of NH Businesses for Social Responsibility improve their sustainable practices”
Healthful Lands & Waters
• Cynthia Walter, PhD, retired professor of Biology, “Growing Grassroots Solutions to Plastic Problems” with the Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit
Slides: Growing Grassroots Solutions to Plastics Problems
• Jon Swan, founder of Save Forest Lake (Dalton, NH): “How to strategically defeat a new landfill development in 1155 days or less.”
Health for the Planet & Our Spirit
Susan Fuller, Director of NH Interfaith Power & Light, Earth Care Missioner of All Saints Episcopal Church, “How can we become better stewards of this planet?”
For a Healthy Climate
John Gage, State Coordinator of NH Citizens Climate Lobby, Co-founder of the NH Carbon Cash-Back Coalition, “Working together on climate solutions"
And Healthful Legislation to Get Us There!
Joe Kwasnik, NH Network Co-founder, retired electric utility executive, and former chair of the NH Electric Cooperative, “Creating legislative opportunities for the next legislative session...a proactive approach”
NH Network Presents: Community Power!
Get Some for Your Town!! ✔
Monday, May 9th, 2022
Hosted by Dori Drachman
Co-chair, Monadnock Sustainability Hub
Co-coordinator, Peterborough Renewable Energy Planning Team
Member, Peterborough Community Power Task Force
Dori regularly educates towns in her region about community power aggregation
Following Dori's presentation, more experts join for a Q&A:
Henry Herndon - Community Power Coalition of NH
Lisa Sweet - Community Power Coalition of NH
Sam Evans-Brown - Clean Energy NH
NH NETWORK Earth Day 2022: Call to Action for NH! ✔
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Members of the NH Network presented a snapshot of the Network's activities and demonstrated ways that folks can join & participate in protecting NH's environment.
Reinmar Seidler, PhD
Research Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Biology, UMass Boston
Manager-at-Large, NH Network
John Gage
New Hampshire State Coordinator for Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Climate Interest Group, NH Network
Susan Richman
Manager, NH Network
Communications Working Group and Plastics Working Group, NH Network
NH Network Presents:
Crossover Season in the NH Legislature 2022 ✔
Crossover Season in the NH Legislature 2022 ✔
Monday, April 11 ~ 5:30-7:00 pm
The Beauties and the Beasts
of NH Environment, Energy and Climate Bills
Three prominent lawmakers give their insights into bills that need our support or opposition:
• Senator David Watters
Dover (Senate District 4)
• Representative Kat McGhee
Hollis (Hillsborough-District 27)
• Representative Lee Oxenham
Plainfield (Sullivan-District 1)
Meeting Description
Three prominent New Hampshire legislators discussed the Beauties and the Beasts —environment, energy and climate bills that have survived and crossed over to the other chamber of the New Hampshire Legislature.
We learned which bills should be supported, which should be opposed, and why. Our shared goal is to protect our environment, ensure a clean and resilient energy future, and meet the challenges of climate change in New Hampshire.
Attendees refreshed their focus, to continue our active support and opposition to legislation in the House and Senate for the second half of the 2022 Legislative Session.
NH Network Presents: Is Net-Zero by 2050 Possible? ✔
Monday, March 28th — 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Policy Options to Achieve US and COP26 Climate Ambitions
Accelerating the transition to abundant and affordable clean energy for a safe climate future.
A Climate Policy Workshop With MIT’s En-ROADS Climate Policy Simulator &
Economists’ Perspective on Efficient, Equitable, and Powerful Climate Policy
Economists’ Perspective on Efficient, Equitable, and Powerful Climate Policy
Dr. Charles Wheelan
Senior Lecturer and Policy Fellow Rockefeller Center for Public Policy, Dartmouth CollegeJohn Kondos
President, Home-Efficiency Resources LLC, En-ROADS Climate Policy AmbassadorJohn Gage
New Hampshire State Coordinator for Citizens’ Climate Education
Event Description
The extent of future consequences from our climate pollution depends on what we do now. Is it possible to reduce our carbon emissions from fossil fuels to net-zero by 2050 as required to hold global warming to 1.5˚C? We evaluate our solution options with MIT Sloan School of Management and Climate Interactive’s En-ROADs Climate Policy Simulator, investigate the near-universally expert-recommended option of carbon pricing with a local leading expert, and provide actions that each of us can take to contribute to a successful personal, local, national, and global response!
NH Network Presents: Preparing for New Normals in NH's Climate ✔
Monday, March 14th — 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
The science behind the 2022 NH State Climate Assessment Report
A discussion with the authors:
Dr. Mary Stampone
New Hampshire State Climatologist
Associate Professor of Geography, UNHDr. Cameron Wake
Research Professor, EOS UNH
Lamprey Professor of Climate and Sustainability, UNH
The new New Hampshire Climate Assessment is now published!
Press release here:
Report here:
February 2022 NH Network Event
In case you missed it, click the button below for the recording.
Unwrap the Future: Practical Advice to Reduce Plastic Pollution in our Communities ✔
A Panel Discussion to Launch the
Ten Towns ● Ten Actions Toolkit
Monday, February 7th 6:30 - 8 pm (Virtual Event)
Moderator: Dr. Bob McLellan, NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
Susanne Moser, PhD, “A Practical Guide to Effecting Change & Messages of Hope” is a geographer (Ph.D. 1997, Clark University) who works in the US and internationally as an independent scholar and consultant from a base in western Massachusetts, the unceded ancestral homeland of the Nipmuc and Pocumtuc. Her work focuses on adaptation to climate change, science-policy interactions, climate change communication, and psycho-social resilience in the face of the traumatic and transformative challenges associated with climate change. She has served on scientific advisory boards for Future Earth, the International Science Council, the US National Research Council and contributed to IPCC and US national climate assessments.
Portsmouth High School Environmental Change Organization
“Harnessing the Power of Youth Influence for Environmental Change”
Christina Dubin, “Rethinking Plastic: Policies & Actions”
NH Surfrider Rise Above Plastics Coordinator, Sustainability Planner, UNH Carsey School
Patsy Beffa-Negrini, PhD, RDN, Introducing the Ten Towns ● Ten Actions Toolkit NH Network Plastics Working Group, Nelson Community Choice Aggregation Committee
Description: Globally, more than 380 million tons of plastic waste annually harm our health, pollute our environment, and hurt our economy. This panel discussion will highlight practical solutions individuals and communities are taking to address plastic pollution in NH, and launch the Ten Towns ● Ten Actions Toolkit. Our website contains a menu of actions, and contact information for technical support from our Ten Towns group of leaders. Learn how students in Portsmouth helped pass a ban on single use plastic, and how we can build momentum at a local level to demonstrate New Hampshire can break free from plastic.
Commit to taking action in your town!
Visit to learn more and join the campaign.
Hungry for More on Plastics? Suggested reading: The New Coal: Plastics (; How Bad Are Plastics Really? (
Community Power Coalition of NH: Update & Relevant Legislation ✔
Monday January 10th 5:30 - 7pm (Virtual Event)
Featured speakers: Lisa Sweet, Director CPCNH, and Henry Herndon, Herndon Enterprises.
Description: Community Power, made possible by recent legislative changes, enables cities, towns and counties to democratize their energy supply and have greater local control over sourcing electricity on behalf of their residents and businesses. Benefits can include lower costs, increased renewable energy, and development of local energy resources. Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) is a new nonprofit, created to support cities and towns towards launching programs. This presentation (see slides and video) helped NH Network members and friends learn more about Community Power, CPCNH, and relevant legislation at the NH State House.
Hungry for more on Community Power? Take a look at Community Power: A New Way to Think About Your Energy Bill –
CPCNH YouTube Channel:
December 2021 - NH Network Meeting ✔
The December meeting of the NH Network looked at electricity in NH with our featured speaker Brian Callnan, Vice President of Power Resources and Access at the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative. He presented some of the basics of electricity in NH, such as where NHEC’s electricity comes from, how the cooperative model works in energy, the challenges of transmission, and how regulation impacts the cooperative. A summary of how NHEC’s new Transactive Energy Business model — the utility of the future — will help members connect Distributed Energy Resources.
On Oct 31, 2021
The NH Network Plastics Working Group invited Dr. Vanessa Druskat to one of our early meetings to share her insights into the 'Emotional Intelligence of Teams'.
The Fall 2021 Summit ✔
The second New Hampshire Network Summit was held on Saturday, September 18th. Groups across New Hampshire that focus on Environment, Energy, and Climate issues connected to amplify our collective impact.
AGENDA: NOTE: YouTube video of the Intro, Guest Speaker, and Panel Discussion is below, courtesy of New Hampshire Citizens for Progress.
Introduction and updates from NH Network members
Guest speaker Maine State Rep. Lydia Blume: A successful model – what Maine has done
Panel discussion: Past and current NH legislators and regulatory experts share their views on why NH has consistently lagged behind other NE states on energy efficiency, clean energy deployment, and carbon emissions reduction -- and how we can help bridge these gaps. Panelists: Consumer Advocate Don Kreis, Rep. Kat McGhee, former Rep. Bob Backus.
Breakout groups: What do you see as our needs and opportunities? How can we collaborate to increase our impact?
Plenary: Action steps and recommendations for NH Network’s future
Fall 2021 Summit
Recording of the Fall 2021 Summit Introductions, Guest Speaker, and Panel Discussion.
Rep. Lydia Blume: from approximately minutes 27:00 - 1:04:00
Panel Discussion: begins at approximately minute 1:04:00
Guest speaker:
Maine State Rep. Lydia Blume
A successful model – what Maine has done
Panel discussion:
Consumer Advocate Don Kreis, Rep. Kat McGhee, former Rep. Bob Backus
Past and current NH legislators and regulatory experts share their views on why NH has consistently lagged behind other NE states on energy efficiency, clean energy deployment, and carbon emissions reduction -- and how we can help bridge these gaps.
The June 2021 Summit ✔
The New Hampshire Environment, Energy and Climate Network (“The NH Network”) held an in-person Summit on June 26th 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. This was an organizing event to bring together New Hampshire’s environmental, energy, and climate-focused groups to review the functioning of the Network and how the Network can improve its utility for the groups within New Hampshire.