Energy Committees
Brief History of Energy Committees in New Hampshire: Energizing Ideas: The Emergence of Local Energy Committees
NOTE: To access this resource, you must be a member of the New Hampshire Municipal Association.
Energy Committees in New Hampshire
Note: not a complete list--click the dropdown arrow on the right to view
Municipal Members - from Clean Energy New Hampshire
Atkinson, Bedford, Barrington, Boscawen,
Canterbury, Carol, Center Harbor, Cheshire County, Chester, Claremont, Derry, Dover, Durham,
Enfield, Exeter, Gilmanton, Grantham, Hanover, Hopkinton, Hudson, Jaffrey, Keene, Kensignton, Lebanon, Lee, Loudon, Lyme,
Mason, Nashua, Nelson, Newmarket, Northwood, Pembroke, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Rollinsford, Rye,
Sandwich, Shelburne, Sullivan County, Tamworth,
Warner, Washington, Werae, Webster, Wolfeboro
Claremont Energy Advisory Committee
Concord Energy and Environment Advisory Committee
Derry Energy/Environmental Advisory Committee
Clean Energy New Hampshire advocates for clean energy in our state and has resources for NH Energy Committees. Visit their website to learn about resources and events, read their blog, and become a member.
Education for citizens to prepare them to serve on local energy committees.
How to Form an Energy Committee in Your Town or City
Talk to your neighbors, Conservation Commission, Select Board, or City Council members. Let them know that you'd like to form a committee to research energy issues important for your town, city, or municipality.
Where does your power come from? We answered your questions about the N.H. energy system.
New Hampshire Public Radio | By Mara Hoplamazian, Daniela Allee Published November 23, 2021 at 6:00 AM EST
NH State energy strategy - NH Network working document
A Renewable Energy Future for New Hampshire: An Action Plan with a Focus on Demand and Consumption (Oct. 13, 2020)
Foreword (Robert Backus, Peter Somssich, Ken Wells)