Plastics Working Group

We are an affiliate of Beyond Plastics

used with permission

Focus Statement (Revised May 2023)

The focus of the Plastics Working Group is to address the intersectionality of climate change, human health, environmental justice, waste management, and pollution aspects of plastics and the petrochemical industry. To this end, the Plastics Working Group engages in local, state, and federal initiatives to:


•   Develop strong and effective local policy actions and state and federal legislation to reduce the production and use of single-use plastic packaging and the toxic chemicals used to make them, evaluate the advancement of false solutions like chemical/advanced recycling, and reduce the negative environmental and health impacts of the petrochemical industry

•   Support Zero Waste initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels

•   Increase producer responsibility for the full life cycle of plastics and truth in advertising

•   Develop partnerships with the business, education, and municipal sectors to implement alternatives to petroleum-based plastics

•   Engage in public education to raise awareness of the environmental and human health risks of plastic, the availability of plastic alternatives, and the need for source reduction strategies, increased recycling, and related waste management strategies

•   Educate about behaviors and practices to reduce consumption and limit the need for plastics recycling

•   Follow the NH DES solid waste hierarchy


We envision a health-based approach to reducing plastic waste & pollution for the planet and for people.

Communicating About Climate

A campaign to help individuals, organizations, and communities to rethink plastic. Visit for more information and to join us!

On Oct 31, 2021

The NH Network Plastics Working Group invited Dr. Vanessa Druskat to one of our early meetings to share her insights into the 'Emotional Intelligence of Teams'.

Next Meeting Information and Past Meeting Notes

There was discussion about the value of knowing each other better and inviting Plastics Working Group members (and anyone in the larger network or other working groups) to complete a slide in the Network slide deck with names, skill sets, networks, and photo. Here is the link to the slide deck, which has a template to fill out if anyone is willing to.

Link to Network Slide Deck

Link to Plastics Working Group Slide Deck

Next meeting: Sunday, January 26, 2025 -  6:00-7:30 PM

ZOOM LINK  (TIP: Copy this link into your online calendar so you don't have to hunt for it)

PWG Past Meeting Notes - (Remember there are many other resources below, so have fun scrolling!)

Recommended Viewing or Reading

(Note: The following resources are suggestions and not necessarily endorsed by the NH Network.)



Contact to get more information or to join us.
