About Us

The New Hampshire Network for Environment, Energy, and Climate was founded in January 2021 and now includes 30 member organizations across the Granite State.  Our purpose is to facilitate communication among groups concerned about New Hampshire’s environment, energy future, and climate. 

We are building a network of New Hampshire groups with shared goals. If you would like your organization to be listed on this page, please fill out the form here:


350NH is a multigenerational movement working to advance a just transition to a renewable energy economy and an end to our society’s dependence on fossil fuels. We are building the movement for climate justice and working for local and national systemic change.

Breathe New Hampshire is committed to eliminating lung disease and improving the quality of life for those living with lung disease in New Hampshire. 

The NH Carbon Cash-Back Coalition is a collection of local climate groups and others working on a NH citizen petitioned warrant article project.  We help people to inform their community about and enable the town to demonstrate its support for cash-back carbon pricing, the #1 expert-recommended most efficient and equitable way to rapidly reduce climate pollution in the US and around the world.

Citizens' Climate Lobby New Hampshire is part of the grassroots, nonpartisan national CCL organization, working to create the political will for effective and equitable climate solutions by helping people develop their personal and political powers.  Our primary focus is informing New Hampshire leaders, organizations, and citizens about the power, benefits, and reach of federal Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation, as implemented by the Energy Innovation Act.

City of Somersworth's Sustainability Committee: The Sustainability Committee serves as a resource and clearinghouse for the City of Somersworth's City Council and City Departments concerning issues of environmental sustainability. This Committee develops recommendations for the implementation of the goals set in the Master Plan related to sustainability. These recommendations are to prepare the city for, and reduce the city’s contribution to, climate change. This group identifies existing sustainable practices and identify areas needing improvement. The Committee’s duty is also to promote public awareness of sustainability issues.

Climate Advisory Committee, Campton, NH: Our Climate Change Committee has been officially tasked with working with all the departments and agencies on developing climate change adaptation, resilience, and mitigation plans for the town.  

Climate Change Information and Reports

Collaborative Solid Waste Strategies (CSWS) is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization which strives to be a catalyst for pragmatic and comprehensive approaches to sustainable solid waste management in New Hampshire and New England through education, advocacy and innovation.

Dover NH Plastics Reduction Group: The Plastics Group is a subgroup of the Energy & the Environment Action Group. Our goal is to reduce plastic in our environment through education, advocacy, and action. We meet once a month on the fourth Thursday at 7 pm. Among our accomplishments are working with the city of Dover to pass a Resolution in 2019 to Voluntarily Reduce the Use and Distribution of Single-Use Plastic Products in the city and a Proclamation in 2021 declaring July Plastic Pollution Reduction Month in Dover. We also collaborated with the Dover Public Library to develop materials, exhibits, and activities on alternatives to plastic in 2021 and 2022. Our other activities include educational presentations; testimony on bills in Concord; and the preparation of information such as blogs, white papers, and flyers. In addition, our group develops the Green Tips that are published each month by the Dover Dems. We also participate in Don't Trash Dover, a monthly litter pick up.

Our groups' current initiative focuses on Reusables. We provided materials such as handouts and bookmarks for the library on Reusables for Earth Day 2022. One of our next efforts will be to develop information about reusable products and other plastic alternatives for restaurants and other food purveyors.

Franklin Pierce University's Institute for Climate Action: Global climate change poses an unprecedented, urgent challenge to the natural environment and to the quality, even the continuance, of human life. Franklin Pierce University’s Institute for Climate Action seeks to raise awareness of this challenge and promote efforts to meet it. This aim will be pursued under the broad concept of sustainability and within three distinct but related mission areas: education; campus operations and culture; outreach. 

Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) is a community-based, charitable organization dedicated to the protection and conservation of natural resources in the Ossipee Watershed in central Carroll County including the towns of Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Madison, Ossipee, Sandwich, and Tamworth. Founded in 1997, GMCG is a networking and referral resource for area residents concerned about land use issues in their communities. It encourages individual and small group activism based on common sense and science based approaches to resolving problems.

Jackson Climate Change Working Group: The Climate Change Working Group is a local organization committed to sharing eco-friendly information and resources promoting household and community efficiency, as well as knowledge and strategies for combating climate change. 

Kearsarge Climate Action's mission is to increase community awareness of the climate crisis and identify opportunities for regional collaboration to effect change. 

In the past several years Kearsarge Climate Action has had two Weatherize campaigns; a Solarize campaign; an Energy Expo with Vital Communities and Colby Sawyer College; plus two EV shows and two e-bike lending library events. This year we are collaborating with Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners and Windowdressers on a regional project bringing custom low-cost window inserts to local residents and businesses. Several of our members are on municipal energy committees working on community power.

Kent Street Coalition - The November 2016 Election has led many of us to realize that we must engage in politics in a new and deeper way, as citizen activists vigilant in our defense of America's founding principles of fairness, justice, equality, liberty and compassion.  

We recognize that this vigilance requires commitment to consistent, long-term, organized political action. We believe our commitment will be most effective and sustainable when shared by a dedicated group of neighbors and friends who hold common progressive values and objectives. We agree that nonviolence is a core principle of all our endeavors.

League of Conservation Voters —  We influence policy, hold politicians accountable, and win elections. This is how we fight to build a world with clean air, clean water, public lands, and a safe climate that are protected by a just and equitable democracy.

Living A Sustainable Lifestyle: Tea & Talks is a Google Group primarily focused on resource sharing and individual behavior change around all aspects of sustainable living, and uses Project Drawdown as its guiding framework. Please email Cindy Heath for more information.

The Monadnock Sustainability Hub strengthens the sustainability and resilience of our region by working collaboratively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach 100% clean energy.

New Hampshire Citizens for Progress  is a television show on NH topics and concerns produced by Rick Maynard who hopes that People are empowered to Take Action from the information shared on his YouTube Channel. Please subscribe!

NH Food Alliance is a statewide network of people, businesses, organizations, and communities that engage and connect people dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State. We connect and collaborate across sectors and geographic regions to increase our impact.

NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action: As healthcare workers are uniquely positioned to increase public awareness of the links between health and climate change, we seek to provide NH healthcare workers the tools to educate and mobilize the public in support of climate solutions to improve health for all. 

New Hampshire Interfaith Power and Light Mobilizing and inspiring people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action to address climate change.

New Hampshire Sierra Club is a non-profit member-supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation of New Hampshire's natural environment by influencing public policy decisions—legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral. There are more than 15,000 Sierra Club members and supporters in New Hampshire and over 2.1 million across the country. We are your family, friends, and neighbors. Embracing the Jemez Principles (https://www.ejnet.org/ej/jemez.pdf) the Chapter actively pursues the Sierra Club motto: 

*To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;

*To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;

*To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Healthy Environment.

Healthy Economy.

North Country Alliance for Balanced Change (NCABC): NCABC works for clean water, public health, and a vibrant economy in New Hampshire's White Mountains and statewide. We’re challenging a dangerously-sited, unneeded landfill proposed in fragile wetlands in Dalton. If permitted, the project will damage critical waterbodies, degrade the environment, do generational harm to rural community life, and ruin the local tourism vital to area businesses.

With a broad coalition of conservation partners in NH and beyond, NCABC focuses on opposing the 180-acre garbage dump through monitoring permit applications; educating citizens and officials; and advocating legislation for NH water protection and updated state waste management policies. NCABC has grown to become a statewide presence committed to safe water and better waste regulation.

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire: A Voice for Organic Agriculture in NH. 

Pemi Climate Emergency Coalition is a group of citizens in the Plymouth area concerned with the damage being done to our planet. Their mission is "to educate and mobilize citizens about the Climate Emergency, to facilitate legislation to reduce carbon pollution via a carbon fee, to support all viable means to keep fossil fuels unburned, and to transition to a renewable energy future."

Sandwich Climate Action Coalition:  The Sandwich Climate Action Coalition (SCAC) is an ad hoc group of citizens from Sandwich, N.H  and surrounding towns who have decided to take action to reduce greenhouse gases and to reverse global warming.  Our mission is to educate and mobilize citizens around the climate emergency, to facilitate legislation to reduce carbon pollution, to support and act upon all viable means to drawdown greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, while transitioning to a renewable energy future.

Save Forest Lake is a group of concerned citizens who want to stop a disastrous landfill development from being built 190 feet from Forest Lake State Park in Bethlehem/Dalton, NH. Join the battle to Save Forest Lake!

Founded in 2020, Standing Trees is a community of forest defenders who leverage grassroots and grasstops pressure, legal action, and political strategy to protect and restore forests and wild ecosystems on New England's public lands for the benefit of the climate, biodiversity, clean water, and communities.

Th!rd Act NH: We are a community of Americans over the age of 60 determined to take collective action on issues of climate justice and to strengthen democracy. We will be supporting related Third Act national campaigns on divestment from fossil fuel funding and protecting our democratic institutions as well as acting more locally.

WindowDressers brings community volunteers of all economic and social situations together to improve the warmth and comfort of interior spaces, lower heating costs, and reduce carbon dioxide pollution by producing low-cost insulating window inserts that function as custom, interior-mounted storm windows.

World Fellowship Center is a secular, unaffiliated camp and conference center offering summer hospitality, educational social justice-related workshops and lectures, outdoor recreation and creative opportunities for all ages near the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire.

MISSION: WFC promotes global justice and connections between people, communities, and nature through education, recreation, and creative expression.


Contact newhampshirenetwork@gmail.com to get more information or to join us.
