NH Network
Steering Committee
Regular Meetings — Everyone is Welcome! 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7-8
Upcoming Meetings — February 11, 2025 and February 25, 2025
Elected Manager-At-Large
Reinmar Seidler
Managers from NH Network Working Groups
Climate Working Group: John Gage
Communications Working Group: Donna Reardon (External Communications), Susan Richman (Internal Communications), Mary Beth Raven, Bruce Berk
Energy Working Group: Mary Beth Raven
Environment Working Group: Rob Pinsonneault
Plastics Working Group: Cindy Heath
December 2023
Hello NH Network members, members of Working Groups,
The end of this year coincides with some lovely news for NH Network. We are now included in a monthly Environmental Roundtable with leaders of NH’s other environmental groups – where we are being recognized for our role in getting the message out across the state, and mobilizing folks to take action. Most particularly, the Department of Energy was impressed by the volume of letters they received regarding Net Metering (we jumped successfully through that first administrative hoop; more to be decided in March…), and the PUC acknowledged our flood of letters regarding NH Saves (which has been mostly saved for the next 3 years).
Clean Energy NH (www.cleanenergynh.org) has the professional staff to maintain a presence at the PUC, the DoE, the DES and the legislature. They have graciously been advising us on Net Metering, NH Saves, and the NH Climate Action Plan – knowing that our ability to connect with a large, active membership makes us valuable partners for spreading the word. Those interested should consider joining CENH. Beginning in January they will offer legislative updates every Friday at 1 pm, as well as other resources for members. Ask your Energy Committee or Select Committee to pay for the membership!
Collectively, we represent a wide swath of the NH public. When you write a letter or give testimony on a policy or a bill, please be sure to note any role you have in your community. For those on a municipal committee, your letter has even greater impact when you are seen as representing a town or city.
This is especially important now that NH is finally starting development of a new Climate Action Plan (CAP). Over the next 3 months, New Hampshire Listens (of the Carsey School at UNH) will be sponsoring a series of community engagement meetings designed to gather feedback from Granite Staters on the CAP. Please attend, and bring your ideas for projects that can lower emissions and benefit economic justice communities – and try to get other leaders from your community to attend as well: https://carsey.unh.edu/new-hampshire-listens/nhdes-updating-new-hampshires-climate-action-plan
A final happy announcement: We have been getting some funding! Community Action Works, Mascoma Bank, New England Grassroots Fund, and private donors funded a “Thinking in Systems” training for members of the Plastics Working Group, as well as the hiring of UNH Sustainability Fellow Cassie Lefleur to track sustainable practices in NH school cafeterias for the Roadmap Project. The New England Grassroots Fund also helped to pay for our June and August in-person summits, attended by more than 100 advocates from across the state as well as several NH state legislators.
More recently, a private donor has been funding a Communications Assistant (Kennedy McGrath, another fabulous UNH student) to help rationalize our email lists and amplify our message to link citizens statewide to implement actions for a sustainable New Hampshire. Kennedy creates posts for our Facebook page and our new Instagram Account, and is launching us onto the Action Network platform to expand our reach. We’ve since received further funds for Kennedy from NH Charitable Trust and Community Action Works. Thanks also go to everyone who helped clarify our goals at the June gathering, and to Slingshot consultant Hayley Jones. Learn more about our 2023 accomplishments at www.newhampshirenetwork.org. And special thanks to all of you, our members!
Happy Holidays – and we hope to see you online at the meetings and events coming up in January and February, 2024.
Patsy Beffa-Negrini, Bruce Berk, John Gage, Cindy Heath, Mary Beth Raven, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler
Steering Committee, NH Network: Environment, Energy, Climate
Minutes, NH Network Steering Committee, March 27, 2023
AGENDA - NH Network Steering Committee meeting - all are welcome
Monday, March 27, 2023 5pm
Link: AGENDA March 27 Steering Cmte
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, Lisa Cote, Rep. Sherry Dutzy, John Gage, Bill H, Joe Kwasnik, Kaitlin Lounsbury, Bruce Norlund, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Raelene Shippee-Rice, Reinmar Siedler, Leonard Witt
Discussion, Helping to keep attendance in State House: hard to do, if still fully employed. Groups have been calling reps to offer help (childcare, a ride, stay with a relative, plowing…). The problem starts earlier: eager for candidates to fill slots; need to have flexible jobs or be retired, be healthy, and willing. Need to educate candidates adequately about the commitment to the 12 or so full sessions. Some candidates may not realize the commitment needed. Create a document to make the expectations clear? Even with poor attendance, holds the seat for your party. Very positive experience if you like to learn, want to give, and have a new social network. Next year could there be legislation put forward offering finite opportunities to vote by proxy or remote, for just 2 or 3 occurrences (making allowances for emergencies)? Currently are allowed to have a stand-in to vote for Exec Sessions, but then would miss out on hearings and interactions. Talk to leadership to have the right sponsor (perhaps allow 3 abs, need excuse from Party head, and need to have the party discuss this.)
Suggested actions: Organizations are upset when issues lose due to absences (e.g. Nurses). Click on your Rep’s name to see if they were absent or present, and whether absence is excused, and then email “I notice you were absent on…” and nicely ask about it & “can I help?” Can make a complaint to the Speaker’s Office if you feel absence is keeping your Rep from representing you - and could result in Ethics Committee having a talk with the Rep. This is also a problem because Dems don’t like to primary each other, and won’t be challenged, so some continue to run, even when health doesn’t permit attendance. May “go for a walk” for assorted reasons, or even get locked out during a vote. Lois to get back to us with names of organizations concerned about this. Find out as much as you can about your Rep, try to understand the situation. If chronic absences, try to get them to resign? PLEASE EMAIL US your thoughts! David Cote’s lawsuit to be allowed remote access still awaits decision. Share this discussion with Dem Victory Committee, and RUN FOR SOMETHING, to have them educate candidates. See note to follow regarding efforts from Matt Wilhelm and Civix Strategies.
Reports from Working Groups (shortened due to time constraints)
Climate – Offshore Wind - Rob Werner & others would like us to do an event, refute disinformation, perhaps first week of June
Plastic - April 16 evaluation of past year
Upcoming events
April 10 - Crossover Season, Advanced “Recycling”
April 24 - Test your favorite climate solution (invite legislators, business leaders), gives insights!
May 8 - “Food for Thought: How We can Build a Climate-Resilient Food System in New Hampshire” - Colleen Stewart & panel including Karen Ebel, composting program, Paige from DES, support Solid Waste Management (& carbon pollution of food waste); April 10 begins Food Waste Prevention week, will post on Social Media - Donna, Mary Beth , John G could help)
June 17 - Summit - tabled Summit discussion
Other events
May 11 - Lakes Region summit - Donna, John, Susan, maybe Joe (Susan write Rick van de Pol)
Steering Cmte retreat – Joe will set up a possible day or agenda
Aug 12 - Jon Swan “Keep NH Green Again (KNHGA)” summit
Other items
30 sec sponsorship ad on NHPR about how great AR is; already occurring in Pease (Seacoast region)
501.c.3 discussion - tabled
Note from Rep. Dutzy on engaging with Republican legislators:
From Rep Dutzy’s letter:
I think I would start by looking at an environmental bill (or a few) that had a roll call vote. It will list how everyone voted. Those Republicans that voted in line with NHNetwork would be the first ones I would contact. You need to think of an approach. A hand-written note thanking them for their vote will get read. Much better than an email which can get buried. I would also have a 'Call to Action' in the note. For ex, "May I call you to discuss your environmental priorities?" Include your email and phone contact. Or "NHNetwork will be having a zoom meeting on --------- with other representatives to learn more about their environmental priorities. Please look for an invitation.” Whatever you decide on should be focussed on listening to them and engaging in a dialog. NO proselytizing! It could also be a time to network to see if anyone in their community wants to be more involved.
Minutes, NH Network Steering Committee, March 6, 2023
MINUTES, NH Network Steering Committee, March 6, 2023
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, John Gage, Joe Kwasnik, Kaitlin Lounesbury, Ann Podlipny, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Matt Stein, Roger Stephenson,Jon Swan, Rick Van de Poll
Jon Swan: Planning a “Keep NH Green” summit, 76 responses to survey, preferring a Saturday in Aug - try for Aug 12. Goals: Collaboration, strengthen bonds, meet in-person, get ready for new legislative system. Possible locations: Prescott Farm in Laconia (max of 150, with classrooms for breakouts), or World Fellowship Center in Tamworth (has overnight options).
Rick Van de Poll: director of research at Tin Mtn, wetland scientist & teacher at grad level; previously involved with conservation summits. Represents Lakes Region groups that want to connect, have had several spring summits of the “Land & Lakes Conservation Collaborative.” Will invite us to this year’s, on May 11 in-person 1:30-4:30 pm. Like Jon Swan, aware that the environmental community needs to find the issues where we can speak as one voice. Look at models in Maine. Even if we can’t achieve legislative goals this year, will have them ready when the political landscape shifts (as in Maine!)
MOST OF MEETING REVOLVES AROUND THIS DISCUSSION - assessing where NH Network is, and the possibilities in forging statewide collaboration.
Roger Stephenson: 15 yrs ago the NH Charitable Assoc set up an Environmental Roundtable (Meredith, Jim O’Brien). Many groups involved, mostly funded lobbying groups. Good for sharing info, but not a coalition, not “moving the needle.” In Maine identified 7 bills that all 30 organizations support, and communicate strongly to Gov Mills and the Maine legislature. NHN reaches to folks in all walks of life, and we bring votes.
Strengths of NH Network: collaborative, statewide, many of our members are lay-people on their towns’ energy committees, glad to continue “ad hoc” (for now) and not to worry about fund-raising, will have Community Access TV to enlarge our reach, other groups have asked to collaborate with us.
Efforts in our WGs, which are enlarging their roles:
Joe’s legislative spreadsheet - Patsy will check how many people view it!
Climate - a place to expand education around carbon pricing
Communication - how to work with statewide community-access TV, Patsy working with Leon on email lists, Patsy to create a brochure for NH Network.
Plastics - discussing legislation (Container Deposit Bill, Extended Producer Responsibility, Food composting, Advanced so-called “Recycling”) and revisiting central mission (whether or not to endorse recycling) while continuing the model of building support within our communities.
Reasons to explore Rick’s proposal: we are happy to have support, to consider “next steps,” to avoid burn-out on Steering Committee. (June summit has been an opportunity for a fuller discussion, that’s usually when we regroup.)
Rick: 32 organizations interested in joining a larger collaboration, as well as the conservation committees of towns; would not ask any group to relinquish their own goals or structure.
Statewide letter/petition - assemble email list of NH environmental leaders and organizations (ask Rick v.d.P. for help with this). Will ask them to send to THEIR lists, once we have the letter, and send them a “final draft” for any lastl changes.
Tabled from last mtg: K Hayhoe not currently available.
Will send commentary in NH Bulletin to other papers.
Schedule of upcoming events
Reinmar: can we have an event on offshore wind before June? Meeting with Rob, some decisions we need to be ready for.
Food Systems event (May 15?), will know more after we speak with Colleen on March 15.
John Gage: Peter Dugas willing to have a zoom Enroads event, prior to April vacation week or in early May. (Can use Peter’s materials for our PR.)
Definite: April 10 – Legislation Update: Cynthia Walter & Joe Kwasnik, each with speakers
March 18 we zoom into 14th Wisconsin Grassroots event, “Making Democracy Personal” – we will be presenting the NH Network story during 3 slots!! ALL ARE WELCOME TO ZOOM IN!!
Minutes, Steering Committee - November 9, 2022
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, Bob Crego (Wisconsin), John Gage, Joe Kwasnick, Rick Maynard, Bruce Norlund, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Rev John Stanley (Wisconsin), Carol Sullivan
Reports from working committees:
CLIMATE: 1st Wed of each month, good attendance and variety of ideas: how to meet candidates to discuss climate & make personal connections; planning State House informational breakfast for lawmakers.
Next meeting: Dec 7 - 7 pm
LEGISLATION: how to track legislation in new session, have Google spreadsheet on website, bottle bill; separate Nov 15 meeting for transactive energy: will write a bill; hope to be bipartisan, introduce in the Senate - deal with new variety on the grid, and readiness for years to come.
Next meeting: Dec 6 - 7 pm
PLASTIC: Approximately a dozen especially active towns, with 39 town leaders in all; Sherry Dutzy (re-elected!!) will help us move forward on bottle bill with Surfrider/Beyond Plastics Christina Dubin; planning winter film series in the towns; conducting a statewide restaurant survey, telling restaurant owners about $$ available to make the move to reusable. Cynthia Walter applying for a UNH sustainability fellow to study practices across NH in dealing with plastic waste; Chris Pappas had a meeting on plastics today - Can we be involved with him on this work (Susan to check)? Jon Swan publicizing Casella violations and DES indifference:
Next meeting: Sunday, November 20, 6 pm
COMMUNICATION: ssess progress, set next goals, review previous minutes & chats (Reinmar volunteers to gather prior chats)
Next meeting: November 15, 5:30 pm
2. Debrief Oct 25, Oct 26
Oct 25 - Neg: How to employ co-moderators (first time having so many), cut off esteemed talkers, engage public - Pos: excellent discussion, insight into how leg works
Oct 26 - good discussion, but no time for audience ?s, tough in just 1 hour, but get to hear them dig deeper than we normally hear.
In future decide where we will focus (and don’t promise so much audience involvement in our advertising, unless we’re sure of it!) But want audience to feel part of the event.
Open up waiting room 5 min ahead of official start, to show (or loop) future events & pages of our website.
GIVE SPEAKERS agenda with planned times.
For a 1-hour event, possibly: 5 min (or less) for intro; 20 min Speakers; 25 Q&A; 5 min Closing
STILL NEED TO ANSWER CHAT QUESTIONS and share RENEWS info?? (not delegated to anyone…) (Susan, Donna?)
Let our Congressional delegation know about us, and let us know when they have relevant events (Susan, Donna?)
3. Future events:
December 5 - ready for town meetings! Plastics Warrant articles, CCL warrant articles, Community Power, HOW TO SUBMIT warrant articles (break-out rooms? Ask registrants what are their interests?) - IRA (Susan see if towns can do that?) Meet to plan on Nov 14 8:00 pm
January - Rick Maynard is organizing a community power event, as the first 6 communities hope to aggregate in April. January event to involve a coalition of community media, live & zoom, community power info from Derry, a panel: Joe K (moderator), Henry H, Clifton B, Don K, Lisa S, Doria B, may also include Cheshire County and other alternatives than CPCNH organizations (Freedom Energy Logistics, Standard Power, Massachusetts companies). Discuss Nov 14; Plan also for Brian Calnan in January (Jan 6, 13, 20 or, 27 – decide on Nov 14) on transactive energy in the NH Electric Coop.
March 18, 2023 the Wisconsin Festival - Rick Maynard connected us with these Wisconsin organizers as mentors for us, when we were first getting started, and now they invite us to share our work with them (what we’re doing, work with legislators, community power, next steps). Rev. John Stanley and Bob Crego explained the scope of the event (3 sessions for a total of 21 break-outs, about 600-700 participants, with 20-45 per session, hybrid format. Theme: Saving Democracy. Observe how the Wisconsin Festival is run. They are involving Rebecca of 350 (who helped organize NH Renews), possibly Massachusetts, possibly European Youth Parliament. Reinmar will be our liaison and can provide zoom. Discuss Nov 14
Rev. John Stanley 608-444-8739 alwayssinging3@hotmail.com (?conflict with town meetings?) Determine expectations, next steps for engaging with Democracy so not just a “feel good” event.
4. Public comment, other business: thanks to Bruce Norlund and Carol Sullivan for joining the meeting. Carol will tell her Wisconsin family about the March 18 festival: https://wigrassrootsnetwork.org/ We should call our next Summit an annual Festival - and include music!
5. Next meeting Nov 14, 8 pm,
plan events - Dec 5, 2 in January, March 18
Clarify goals and plan events for Feb and April and beyond
Possible considerations:
Reaching a wider audience, getting more involvement
INFORMATION that people need (e.g., how to access PUC website for alternative suppliers)
INFORMATION to educate us further
Topic: NH Network Steering Cmte -- plan events (all are welcome)
Time: Nov 14, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 3749 2036
Passcode: 781388
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdORCC1Lnx
Minutes, Steering Committee - October 10, 2022
NH Network Steering Committee - Minutes, Oct 10, 2022
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, Bruce Berk, John Gage, Joe Kwasnik (facilitator), Donna Reardon, Susan Richman (minutes), Reinmar Seidler, Darla Thyng, Gabrielle Watson
Plastics Working Group: As we canvass, have discovered that you can engage with folks of all political stripes when talking about plastic pollution; it is visible, and no one likes it. Members have been taking a class on plastics from Beyond Plastics & are seeking funding for a course on Systems and Leadership. Pursuing UNH interns or fellows for social media help, and to study of waste practices around the state. Embarking on a survey of restaurants.
Climate Working Group: Planning to talk to new reps before their formal “education” from lobbying groups; possibly sponsor a breakfast at the State House for state reps. Continuing to train individuals for lobbying the congressional delegation.
Legislative: Meeting tomorrow, checking in with subgroups writing or working on legislation, and determine how we will track legislation during the coming session. Joe is working with a sub-group on legislation for “Transactive Energy,” updating the grid to deal with the chaos of the many new sources of energy, Oct 17.
Discussion of political stances on energy issues. Look at InDepth NH https://indepthnh.org/2022/09/15/n-h-lawmakers-pass-reduced-energy-assistance-program/
An information sheet put together by Joe, Susan, Reinmar, “Why are my energy bills so high?” has now been sent to all NH Network members. Candidates have found it useful.
According to a “preemptive” bill passed last session, local communities can’t dictate the types of fuels that are, or are not, allowed in their town. (This makes it hard to implement carbon-emission goals). Similarly, a single town can’t forbid the use of Single-use plastics.
Election: Donna will share GOTV ideas from Rob Claflin. KSC’s LTE Project will write a letter if you send them a topic and talking points. Rob recommends an LTE coming officially from the Network. Joe will write an LTE about energy, to challenge falsehoods, focusing on a timeline of the NHSaves constriction. Environmental Voter Project has 2 more phone events Oct 11th and 18th. Register here.
Events: Planning for Oct 26 with Sam E-B and Don K is on track. Communications will have adequate time. Please ask everyone to share news of the event with their other networks.
Reinmar connected with Jamie Hen, a founder of 350.org, who is interested in us & may help us.
Clean Energy New Hampshire event on Friday is sold out.
On Thursday 350 NH has a forum on Dark Money. It will be recorded.
Tues Oct 25, 11-1 pm NHPR Gubernatorial debate (Broadcast of the recording in the evening.) Tickets to attend live: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nhpr-gubernatorial-debate-with-chris-sununu-and-tom-sherman-tickets-431636996877
November Informational breakfast buffet at the State House: Need to find out when legislators return to Concord. Have a 1-pager about the Network. We can all chip in for the cost.
December 5: “NH Network initiatives for town meetings” – would give folks time to prepare warrant articles. Could educate folks about becoming a carbon pricing “Town Champion,” bringing up Community Power for a vote, other resolutions that are happening in towns.
January event: not yet decided – any ideas?
News from members: Gabrielle Watson, candidate in Tamworth area: energy costs mentioned #2 after inflation and before women’s rights.
Darla Thyng: “green & sustainability committee” at Dartmouth Hospital making incredible strides. Healthcare carbon emissions are as much as from the entire UK.
Next meeting: Oct 24 (but keep Oct 17 open, in the event of election developments)
Minutes, Steering Committee - July 25, 2022
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, John Gage, Joseph Kwasnik, Pat Martin, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Darla Thyng
Concerns du jour: PUC denial of plans for EV charging stations, PUC conditions on EE that invalidate most of the program, SCOTUS diminishment of EPA’s role, NH 10-Year Energy Strategy, upcoming elections…
E.g.: NH 10-Year Energy Strategy has no data, no goals, reiterates “market based” for every situation, asserts that EVs and public transportation are “not good,” and blames neighboring states for our high energy rates
EVs: PUC Commissioner Dan Goldner claims “it would hurt retired people.” Pat suggests the opposite - can use for 2-way charging in the case of a power outage, which is a concern for seniors. Seniors also would want to lease an EV, since people who are not employed don’t drive as much. WRITE A LETTER (see below**)
Contact AARP to do a survey, get data on older people in NH’s attitude about EVs. (Susan)
Talk to Dan Weeks about 2-way charging. (Pat?)
Look into leasing? ( )
Find video of Gov Sununu saying we need EV charging for our tourism industry.
Bypass PUC by crafting legislation in support of EV charging stations (Joe)
Upcoming elections: Politically oriented organizations are working on voting, candidate support, but NHN can:
Educate our electorate on E/E/C issues. Discussion about messaging: don’t get detailed or ideological, keep to economic advantages, and only one or two issues. For now, keep writing LTEs, My Turn.
Educate the candidates about current issues (Donna, check with Rob)
NH Network should promote the “Environmental Voter Project”!
Data-driven, led by Nathaniel Stinnett: NH has one of the lowest rates of voter turnout among those concerned with E/E/C issues!
Nonpartisan - just focusing on environmental issues, getting folks to vote in Sept & Nov
Patsy has done it; very positive experience, useful training & feedback
Learn more at https://community.citizensclimate.org/bulletin/2101/320
Environmental Voter Project - NH calling day is August 30 at noon. Register at https://www.environmentalvoter.org/get-involved/phone-bank-new-hampshire/2022-08-30
Get information to Network members & Kent Street for August 30! (John, Patsy)
Patsy will make a page on the website with guidance: https://www.newhampshirenetwork.org/encourage-environmental-voters
Promote event with Bob Ingliss, if NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action are able to get him for an event.
See him at https://community.citizensclimate.org/events/item/29/2486
Able to talk across the aisle, create bipartisan legislation that survives election swings.
Created “republicEN” Political conservatives concerned about environment
Speak with members of other environmental groups, hope for more ideas, and create a uniform message and method across environmental groups (Managers are meeting with others Aug 3)
Other possible strategies to change E/E/C policy in NH:
Legislation: proactively craft bills to protect what we believe in: to reinstate Energy Efficiency money, to ensure that American Rescue Plan money is used to retrofit homes, that VW money is spent for EV charging stations, that we take action on plastic waste, update transmission lines & power grid
Create petition(s) that members take back to their committees, communities, networks
Focus on pocketbook issues: How to save money on gas, heating, electricity, efficiency
Choose only a few issues and then hammer them
Saturate media with My Turns
Can we reveal the role of Fossil Fuel companies in anti-environment messages? (“They want you to believe… They want you to be afraid…”)
Get other groups to plan with us, share actions, slogans
Bumper stickers: “electricity: the sun does it cheaper” or other ways to message
Media - NHPR, others, package the story for them?
Get some NH data -
do surveys, get the results out rapidly, use it to make news
Get hold of existing data. Who has data in NH? On solar energy use, mass transit
On public opinion: What portion of NH population wants energy efficiency, EVs?
On existing resources: mass transit data; where mass transit is needed
Existing Solar Energy installations in NH
(Brainstorming session; no resolution…)
Other discussions, resources:
LOOK AT CROYDON - free-staters slash education budget - a cautionary tale!
Senator Whitehouse “The Scheme" talk series: the corporate capture of SCOTUS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhyg5hj7I21i1Aqcaym9TRFrpWjPN9_ms
**PLEASE ADD A LETTER: Let the PUC know we need EV charging stations!! Letter from NH Network members are at the bottom of this page: https://www.puc.nh.gov/Regulatory/Docketbk/2021/21-078.html
How do people think/talk about E/E/C across the political spectrum?
“I can build my own wind turbine, but that doesn’t mean I want the govt making climate policies”
“EV charging is a job for the private sector”
“All you have to do is reduce your power consumption”
Other issues we care about, not discussed above: ditching plastic, urban green spaces, farming practices, native plants…
Next meetings:
Monday, Aug 1, 5:00 pm – Plan the next 3 meetings!! Select strategies to explore
NEXT 3 MEETINGS: Aug 3 - meet w/other leaders
Aug 9 - Legislation Working Group - drafting legislation proactively
Sept 12 NETWORK EVENT: The Legislative Season
Managers’ Meeting - 2022.07.05
Present: Phil Browne, Resta Detwiler, John Gage, Cindy Heath, Pat Martin, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler
Response to SCOTUS decision on EPA:
Is it possible some citizens will assume the SCOTUS decision means “we don’t need to worry about climate”?
NHN needs to have a response.
Will try to meet with leaders of other E/E/C organizations, possibly to plan unified response, action.
Reinmar to create email template for all to use.
Try to have the meeting near the end of July (23-27?)
Contacting: Reinmar to contact CENH, Dr. Friedlander of Healthcare Workers; Donna* to contact 350 and Rob Werner; Pat to contact Cathy Corkery; Susan contact CLF. (*Donna also ask Rob about helping with a social trivia night.)
In this discussion, include a unified response to rising gas prices (NOT an excuse for the government to artificially lower them.)
Candidates, elections: Discussion!
Can NHN support Tom Sherman’s candidacy for governor? That could have the greatest positive effect on E/E/C of any single action (plea was given that he needs our support & money) – but we have maintained a nonpolitical, nonpartisan stance. However, this is an opportunity to speak with (educate) Tom Sherman about E/E/C issues!!
LCV is organizing “REP-NH”** which will give support to candidates on a nonpartisan basis, depending on their E/E/C stance. More info to come from Rob Werner. Phil Browne will talk with Rob Werner about REP-NH supporting Tom Sherman, and getting young people to Sherman’s events.
Maggie Hassan is being attacked for not supporting SB 3714 which would enable pipelines – fear mongering about the price of fuel, during Russia’s incursion. Pat will send information** about educating Hassan’s office on saving even more money with renewable power, now less expensive than fossil fuel.
Donna will send an article** (from David Brooks in the Monitor?) about other New England states NOT experiencing such radical energy price increases, because they use more renewable sources. How can we use that article to educate the public.
Susan to send recent policy updates from CENH,** that deal with the PUC’s and Dept of Energy’s novel ways for stalling energy efficiency and EV charging stations.
** = articles to be sent in separate email
Summit, survey: positive feedback on both; will send everyone a summary of the summit results. What stood out:
Breakout groups were positive (and technically proficient) – We’ll consider how to incorporate in future meetings, perhaps sometimes in place of Q&A–perhaps some of our speakers would like to structure that into their presentations. Our information flow has been largely unidirectional, so not hearing each other’s voices as much as we’d like. Perhaps have a fun social event, like a trivia night that LCV hosted a few years ago. Donna will ask Rob about that event, setting up one with us.
Interest in Climate topics: John and Reinmar to consider POSSIBLY a single event or starting a Working Group.
Can we help inform the public about gas prices? - will include in discussion with other E/E/C groups.
We should do more on FB, Instagram. YES – but we need someone with expertise in social media to help!
Our resources are being used!
Meet again: Tuesday, July 12, 5:30 (Doubleheader with Legislative Working Group)
Agenda: Governance, Network elections, next year’s schedule
Managers’ Meeting - 2022.06.23
PURPOSE: Summit planning
Present: Joe, John, Mary Beth, Pat Martin, Patsy Beffa-Negrini, Reinmar, Susan Fuller, Susan Richman
When: Saturday, June 18, 9-11:30 am (presenters arrive at 8:45 am)
What: 2nd annual NH Network Spring Summit, Networking for a Sustainable NH: What we can do together!
Why: 1. Showcase what the Network has been doing; 2. Showcase the work of our members; 3. Learn about other work in NH aligned with ours; 4. Plan together for the future.
Structure throughout:
Articulate that we can work in all 3 realms (Environment/Energy/Climate) at all 3 levels (local/state/federal).
Each speaker discusses accomplishments, new targets, next directions – and perhaps offering some of the questions & issues to be addressed in the Breakout Rooms.
Remind attendees that Legislative and Plastic Working Groups are ongoing, so might choose a different topic to explore for a Breakout session. Legislative WG meets second Tuesday of the month 7-8:00 pm., Plastics WG meets alternate Sundays, 6 pm.
Networking for a Sustainable NH: What we can do together! (portrait of our members, our projects, our hopes)
See table in Google Doc for draft agenda with tasks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16_t7_b_pB7tznEFyg38LzJdvUCeJX4v643KlUyIUOC8/edit
LIST OF TASKS NEEDING HELP - John making survey
Total - 140-150 mins.
9-11:30 with time for Business
Still to do:
Need practice session for Mary Beth, John, Reinmar for breakout rooms and Recording
Zoom link from Reinmar - check into breakouts and recording; need a cohost in each breakout; join as MUTED
Ensuring we can seamlessly get to each presenter and slides
Breakouts: who leads? Who Records?
Need several people to police the muting
John Gage to create survey form listing tasks needing help, and activities to join
Co-web-master JOB DESCRIPTION… (calendar update?)
Co-legislative WG leader
Communications, media, archives
Plastics? (Susan ask Cindy if she needs help)
Memo to presenters regarding slides, breakout rooms, other logistics
VISUAL - get other ideas to Susan by Friday!! Otherwise this is our image for networking, NH style: To see visual go to the bottom of this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16_t7_b_pB7tznEFyg38LzJdvUCeJX4v643KlUyIUOC8/edit
Managers' Meeting - 2022.05.25
Reinmar Seidler, Joe Kwasnik, Marge Shepardson, Susan Richman
May 9
Dori Drachman will be featured presenter, joined by Henry Herndon & Lisa Sweet (Community Power Coalition of NH), Sam Evans-Brown (CENH). Joe will be moderator, Reinmar will introduce and conclude. Susan can help with Q&A if needed.
Brainstormed connections we might have, to businesses that might be willing to weigh in on green policy (and counteract the prevailing business voices that have supported bad bills and diminished energy efficiency). What companies assess the effect of climate change on their profits? Keene Chamber of Commerce has broken with the state organization - look into Keene, into any B Corps. We will begin to contact some.
Other E/E/C organizations
CENH provides resources to towns, and is currently working on getting police departments to switch to EVs.
Church groups with active E/E/C agendas: United Church of Christ (Rights of Nature resolution), Granite State Organizing Project, Interfaith Power & Light.
CCL will resume urging towns to endorse carbon pricing, and they have been approached by some towns that would like to endorse.
Summit possibilities: areas of interest for summit? opportunity to meet with different organizations or services?
How can we be of use to NH towns?
BASICS: Weatherization, LED for towns, churches, homes -- share ideas, how did you do it? Who did you talk to?
Possible funding sources or info: Eversource, NHMA, Shaheen, Kuster, NH Charitable Foundation, Northern Borders Regional Commission (up north, for towns & for nonprofits), Tillotson Foundation, Community Development Finance Authority, NH Municipal Association
Next Meeting
May 2, 2022 at 5:30
Managers' Meeting - 2022.04.18
Patsy Beffa-Negrini, John Gage, Joe Kwasnik, Pat Martin, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Ken Wells
Geos Institute grant
Kim Adams favors our working with CENH, as a “leadership circle.” Sam Evans-Brown of CENH is also putting in a proposal, but might not want to work with us. CENH is working as a business and has paid lobbyists, while we are volunteers (as is Kent Street).
Focusing on the needs of NH’s small towns:
(thanks to Durham’s Town Manager Todd Selig)
· Could be useful to develop a list of E/E/C actions that a town can take, to reduce energy costs, reduce waste management costs, increase resilience to climate-caused weather events, do a town energy assessment – advising which are the “low-hanging fruit.”
· Most small towns don’t have the people power or expertise to move ahead, with largely volunteer energy committees and select boards. Where can they learn about resources? DES, CENH, NH Municipal Assoc, Northeast Recovery Center, Congressional delegation – not one easy source of info.
· Towns could benefit from such advice, and from being offered a template for any action (e.g. for community power, or piggybacking on a grant or RFP that a neighboring town pursues, such as for LED street lights). Such templates are already being offered by Monadnock Sustainability Hub, Community Power Coalition. Ken has done similar grassroots development with broadband and apprenticeships.
· Many of our new members are active members of their towns’ energy/sustainability committees, looking to us for such information.
· There is not fast progress at the statewide level. Emulate the Plastics Working Group model, work to advance NH town by town.
· Helping municipalities may be our central mission, for our constituency. This is not just another NH Network working group, we don’t want separate WGs for streetlights, community power, broadband… The State has so many requirements – can we become a statewide organization that creates/shares templates to help each town, step-by-step for resiliency, community power?
· We had hoped to connect the large, established groups (350, Sierra Club), but their goals and structure are largely defined by their national offices. They are not connecting with individual towns (except around issues – Granite Bridge, Casella landfill). But we will continue to reach out to them, in hopes of greater political power, unified message, shared resources.
· Don’t underestimate the power of NH Network. Nearly 200 people have chosen to join us.
· Will need others to be the experts on many of these initiatives. Can we solicit our members? “What have you done in your town that you are proud of?”
o What are the topics we can assist towns with? Community solar, storage, heat pump campaign, EV charging, resiliency, highways, energy efficiency, energy audits.
o Who do we try to work with? Planning boards? Select boards? These are probably all “volunteer,” but town administrators may be knowledgeable. Towns are all different, at different starting points, issues, pace.
o Monadnock Hub has talked about 5 things towns can do, and asked town energy committees to be part of an energy discussion.
o Can we do a survey – maybe as part of May 9 event – what has your town done? want to do? (Reinmar’s zoom has this capability.)
o How do we reach our base, the towns/committees?
Grants are best for items a town would not want to pay for (energy audit, baseball lights). Better to ask towns to vote on items where they will actually see the savings. Currently NH Municipal Association, Jeanne Shaheen’s and Chris Pappas’s offices are helping with applications for Earmark and Infrastructure grants. It’s hard to create “shovel-ready” applications. Lots of money is available; can we get templates from successful towns? Can we find people to provide the expertise? Be sure to let others know the size of our network!!
Several people have expressed interest in helping. This event will remain virtual, for safety and greater attendance.
Date: June 18. Have zoom ability for break-out rooms and real-time surveys. Still need to determine a theme. Get beyond 549 – suggest legislation – but is that action for the Legislation WG? How Ccan we involve business community in the Summit? Do you have any contacts with any BIA members?
Bob Backus - connect with BIA,
Joe - Bob Friedlander, ask about servicing local communities.
Ken Wells - BEA (Business & economic development, formerly headed by Carol Miller)
Susan- Chamber of Commerce
NHMA (does assistance to small towns with administrative training)
Josh Singer of CENH
· Donna notes that BIA website lists committees (are they active?): energy, healthcare, legislation & policy, regulatory that affects costs
· Maybe our theme is “Climate and your town budget”
· Let different groups give their pitches? John would like 5 min to pitch CCL. Ask Dori for listing in her mailer.
Next meeting
5:30 on the 25th
PLANNING for May 9 Community Power event
Dori’s presentation is brief. Can Dori suggest others to present? Do we invite participation from Josh Singer of CENH, engineer Matt Siska, Henry Herndon, Lisa Sweet, Dan Week, Marge Shephardson, someone from Keene? Each of them plays a different role in the NH energy landscape – e.g. Henry is potentially a broker. We would be helping communities acquire energy options, which furthers our goal of helping entities know about E/E/C opportunities.
Rob Werner has experience with Community Power. Joe will call Rob, see if he will moderate, would he & Meghan Hoskins want to provide zoom?
Ken will do opening activities: look at electric bill (what would be affected, what not?), simulation of transmission lines for local vs.out-of-state energy.
Could be a shorter evening, perhaps 30 min presentation, 30 min Q&A. How is community power different from how we’ve been getting power; and how it matters. Where does your power come from? What does it cost? Possibilities include town solar. “How can my town get some?”
Managers' Meeting - 2022.04.04
Minutes, April 4, 2022 - NH NETWORK
Patsy Beffa-Negrini, John Gage, Joe Kwasnik, Pat Martin, Ann Podlipny, MaryBeth
Raven, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Ken Wells
April 11 Event
Joe to meet with the participating legislators to firm up plans, he will moderate,
Reinmar will open & close. At Q&A Joe will ask how can we best support them, and can we be
proactive (especially can we be more aggressive with Energy Efficiency $$). If Jon Swan is
there, ask him to give a pitch. Susan track chat for audience Q&A. Reinmar has zoom link;
Donna will send out.
March 28 Feedback
Lots of thank you letters after the event; have participants muted on entry.
Community Power request for event in May: every municipality has different needs; Dori’s
group already helping her many Monadnock towns – she needs more people, as does Lisa
Sweet (Community Power Coalition, CPCNH). Handout from CPCNH gives the steps to follow,
beginning with a first presentation for select boards, which is what Dori could present for us -
would that be duplicative? (Then the select board needs to create a committee, need to do
research, need 2 public hearings, decide whether to use a broker… It gives a timeline to start
now, to be ready for next year’s town meeting, although Wilton accomplished the whole
process within the timespan of November to town meeting) Such an event would help give
people direction, be ready for next town meeting. Bob Hayden & Emily Manns can also give a
presentation. This would address people’s questions. Get some people to help us, who are
trying it. Short presentation (10-15 min) but then lots of Q&A. Do we need to include current
status before the PUC or ENERGY DEPT, or just acknowledge this is what is available now?
Focus: How to present to your select board. We should decide in advance what would be
helpful, typical questions, and can ask registrants to put some of their questions on the
registration form. DECISION: yes to MAY 9, 5:30 pm event. Donna, Patsy, Pat, Susan to meet &
Peter Nelson
Joe and Donna met with him. Joe will call him back.
GEOS Grant Application
Reinmar to meet with Sam Evans-Brown on Wed.
Earth Day related event
Suggested by Carol Sullivan, to share with Lakes Region libraries and others. NOTE: THIS IS LISTED ON THE WEBSITE UNDER “EVENTS” and anyone may register!!
Wed, Apr 20 at 1 pm Earth Day 2022 is a Call to Action for NH – Join the
NH NETWORK for Environment-Energy-Climate! John, Reinmar and Susan will
present a snapshot (and video clips) of NHN activities and show ways folks can join and participate in protecting NH’s environment.
Health Care Focus
Not time to adequately do this. June Summit topic. How can we help municipalities move forward? Practical applications - what are you going to do tomorrow? Possibly explore LED street lights, energy audit for town,
solarize, HUBs, what does Monadnock HUB do? Also our responses to IPCC: “Stepping up to the next level,” CCL, petitions for 10 Towns , CCL, Community Power. Give actionable steps, what do you commit to? Point out resources: Solarize on the web, Infrastructure $, Carbon Cash-back. Virtual, with break-out rooms. “Jam Board”=sticky notes. Collect ideas of topics and send them to Reinmar.
Differences Across Communities.
Big towns know about these opportunities, but little towns don’t know. How can people learn about $ opportunities for their town? (Susan to ask her town manager for perspective, as he gives talks on these topics.) Local energy committees like to save money, and like environmentally good things (e.g. Windham), although conflict over energy in Cornish. Although Rindge is not politically likely to seek energy projects, their energy committee has good relations with the head of their DPW. Keep record of what you do, dollars saved, to use for each next application.
Next mtg: 4/18, 5:30 pm
Managers' Meeting - 2022.03.21
Managers’ Meeting - March 21, 2022
Present: Donna, Joe, John, Pat, Patsy, Reinmar, Susan
Debrief March 14th Event: Many people registered late, spam issues for emails sent may be from increased security on accounts so ask folks to check their spam. Create separate zoom link for speakers after event.
Planning for setting agenda with Hayley Jones:
Short term goals: EOS application; summit
Mid term goals: accept our limits of personnel; we’ve been top down – more interactive?; we’ve been reactive (to legislation), can we be proactive? (How does Jon Swan get legislators to write legislation? Is that a meeting we’d like to sponsor?)
Overall Focus: Chase all the bills? pick a singular focus for the year? at our Summit would people group at tables by interests and form their own Work Groups? Work with NH Healthcare Workers? Do we want to become a 501c3? (pros and cons)
Send out invitation for preliminary planning Thursday, March 24; and for full Network for Monday, March 28, 5:30 pm. End 5-10 minutes early on Monday so NET ZERO can start on time.
NET ZERO March 28, 7 pm: Reminders to be sent Thursday, Sunday & Monday. John can give Donna & Susan the list of registrants. Co Hosts (for muting): Pat, Reinmar, Donna. Reinmar will introduce and conclude. Susan make ppt for begin & end, and do chat. After Reinmar’s conclusion, John has a CCL video to show (Reinmar & others will preview). Discussion of our “neutrality”: how we selected programming from members’ suggestions, how the CCL tools are transferable and useful. Promote June summit as a way to help with future planning. John ask panelists if they are willing to be interviewed by media.
GEOS Grant Application: Fits what we are currently doing; Reinmar will write draft and send out in time to receive feedback.
Infrastructure $ and the Shaheen letter about $: How were the projects selected for the Shaheen money? Is there separate Infrastructure money? Towns should know if there are opportunities to apply for funds, e.g. for EV charging stations. (Guidelines in August???) Susan & Pat follow up.
Community Power ?s and role of Network: Some members asked for help with the Community Power process; Monadnock helped and is offering to help others; Dori Drachman & JB Mack have a great presentation. Although perhaps this is a task for Community Power Coalition of NH, they are strapped for resources, and this is the kind of networking role we want to play. Can be scheduled for a Monday in May. Pat & Donna will plan.
Communication with the business community (BIA?): Not a current priority; except John will send a flyer to Lisa Drake of NH Businesses for Social Responsibility (organization founded by Gary Hirschberg of Stoneyfield Yogurt).
Environmental Justice: no one has stepped forward to begin a Working Group, but can ask how EJ issues fit into Healthcare and Community Power discussions.
Peter Nelson – Joe offered to set up a zoom to see his legislative tracking software; will advise us when he gets a date so others can join.
BEAUTIES & BEASTS April 11 – Reps McGhee and Oxenham, and Sen Watters will discuss what remains in play after crossover. Which bills are beauties, which beasts, how best to support them? Do legislators want ideas from us? (can we be proactive?) Other groups are also sponsoring crossover events, but each with a different focus and perspective. Joe will ask the legislators whether or not to send PR to media. Only members? Guests? Or include our lists of registrants from past events?
Next Managers’ meeting: April 4 5:30 pm
Other dates:
March 24 4:00 pm - Set agenda with Hayley
March 28 5:30 pm - Planning Meeting with Hayley Jones
March 28 7:00 pm - IS NET ZERO BY 2050 POSSIBLE? Policy Options to Achieve our Policy Ambitions
April 11 5:30 pm - CROSSOVER SEASON IN THE 2022 NH LEGISLATURE: The Beauties & the Beasts of NH environment, energy and climate bills
Managers’ Meeting - 2022.03.07
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, Carl Cooley, Bob Friedlander, John Gage, Joe Kwasnik, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Howard Moffett, Mary Beth Raven
NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action: Most of this meeting was dedicated to our discussion with retired physicians and lifelong activists Bob Friedlander and Carl Cooley. Joe, Donna, and Patsy met with them earlier in the day to talk about possible synergies, and to advise them on how to navigate the State House to affect legislation. Climate issues should be treated as health issues – but NOT getting the attention it deserves as part of preventive medical care. As great an effect as COVID has had, climate change will be a far greater health threat.
Can we be proactive, not just reactive (to bills that others write)? Can we organize a policy group? How do we shape the themes that will leverage the greatest action? (asthma from particulates, heat stress, carbon emissions from transportation and need for EV infrastructure)
Research shows the best leverage is with issues that concern parents for their children. Get physicians to run for office; rebuild trust in science. About 20 powerful members of NH legislature, whom others dare not disobey, are anti-science, “fact free,” ideologically driven. But some did cross over with the huge wave of public outcry over PUC efficiency rollback.
Yale Climate Studies: “6 Americas,” 10% not persuadable; but there is a persuadable group, responsive to climate as a health issue—lots of data about air quality and asthma, school buses running their motors, people living next to highways, cities of Manchester & Nashua with poor air quality pockets and emergency room visits elevated – find these STORIES. Heat related stress, including with high school and middle school athletes not being adequately counseled.
Why the hostility to climate solutions? National playbook, ALEC and Koch Bros, Americans for Prosperity, Heartland Institute – highly infiltrated in our legislature, even with young reps. Change could be possible: Bill Marsh switched parties over health policy. Need to connect with young lawmakers of either party, independents, folks willing to be on-the-fence for specific issues -- develop relationships. Look at crossover bills, where can we make our point? Note that solid waste management plan, 10-year Energy Plan – none talk about climate change. Work with legislators to create the critical bills we want.
Nutrition is also a concern. (Connect with Phil Browne!) “Climate Change is a Human Health Emergency.” Planetary health. No more talk. Do we have the data?
NH Healthcare Workers have a letter signed by the medical community – 800 workers/students, 20 healthcare organizations. Working on climate-informed healthcare. (Healthcare without Harm) Focus on children, children’s health, young parents (especially the moms), families, and prenatal exposure.
Can this be our summit focus? Can Hayley Jones help us shape a campaign? We will keep in touch, and meet again.
March 14 plans: Registration is at 290. Reinmar to make arrangements for a larger group (a one time fee). Will send Donna the zoom link. Send out reminders on Thursday, and then send the link on Saturday & Sunday. Susan will track Q&A. Have Donna, John be co-hosts to have mute ability (or to bounce).
Follow-up event: John to offer “Solutions for 1.5” on March 21 or April 4th (still TBD) – using EnRoads, he’ll show policy options to keep to 1.5 degrees. John will create a title, a final ppt slide for March 14, handle his own registration, will give PR info to Donna & Susan to include in the next round of emails.
April 11 plans: ?
May plans: Cindy is working with teachers to create a Youth Summit for the fall. Did she still want to present a program in May?
June summit: hopefully in person. What did we accomplish last year? Goals for this year? A particular campaign? How to be proactive, not reactive? How can we get more volunteers to help with NH Network organization? Susan to find out if Hayley could help with this process.
Next meeting: March 28 5:30 pm - we will have Hayley Jones of Community Action Works help us shape our goals for the year!
Managers' Meeting - 2022.02.28
Present: Patsy Beffa-Negrini, John Gage, Cheryl Jensen, Joe Kwasnik, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler
New members: Google groups has topped 100; over a dozen new members from Plastics attendees, many having key roles in their communities’ sustainability groups.
March 14: Media interest. The report will have little written about policy options (it was funded by DES), but the panelists will discuss their thoughts about policy. Reinmar is creating questions for the panelists, welcomes others’ questions. Can they discuss carbon fees? What would they say to BIA? How to present the message to businesses?
Publicity: We’re sending invitations to legislators, the Governor, Dept. of Energy – this is a nonpartisan event; they all need to know about our climate future for roads & bridges. Cheryl has many contacts; will send flyer and media advisory to her Bethlehem town papers, Berlin Daily Sun, Bethlehem sustainability groups, Rep. Erin Hennessey. Discussion of other media, organization and business contacts. (Have already sent too many.) Strategies for connecting with Republicans.
Future events: possibly build on the March 14 presentation; look at EnRoads.
Logo: Criteria - strong image, clear even if size is reduced, all the words clear: New Hampshire, Network, Environment, Energy, Climate. Decision tabled.
Criteria for sharing on our media: We invite logos and mission statements of other groups on our website, with a link on the “Join Us” page. Will add our criteria to the application: “Grassroots organizations that advocate for environment, energy and climate (subject to approval by the Managers Committee).” We do not have personnel to deal with announcements that are more like a bulletin board, such as “help wanted” or “service available.”
Record-keeping: Keep track of events, registration numbers, membership numbers – may need to have in future if we seek funding.
BIA: John Gage emailed them. Joe asking Bob Backus to talk to his BIA contacts.
Networking: Donna and Joe to talk to Bob Friedlander of NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action about any possible synergies.
Next mtg March 7, 5:30-6:30 pm
Ideas for April, May (enroads?)
Managers' Meeting - 2022.02.21
Present: Phil Browne, John Gage, Joe Kwasnik, Pat Martin, Donna Reardon, Susan Richman, Reinmar Seidler, Carol Sullivan
Status of March 14: Moving ahead; panelists have standard presentations but Reinmar hopes to talk a bit more to them, asking them to discuss policy as well as science. Reinmar will have questions ready. They both have videos on YouTube and are excellent speakers NH climate modeling & projections, at the printers’ now. Talking points for media: this may be the launch for this significant document, update from 2014 and analysis of changes; contains policy suggestions, projections based on most recent data & modeling. Pat will share with Institute for Climate Action at Franklin Pierce; John with CCL; Dori Drachman is the new contact for Monadnock Sustainability.
Invite full state house, AFP, Marc Brown, Neil Kirk, BIA, Michael Sununu, consumer advisory board, EESE Board Members, Energy Dept, PUC
Can we send it out with Patsy’s institutional email rather than our personal email?
Infrastructure funds: Pat notes that it was crucial to think ahead and have shovel-ready projects for ARRA funds (2009?) Need to prepare the proposal ahead of time, as there was little time to respond to the RFP. At the time, TRC Solutions offered workshops on how to write a proposal. (CLF, LCV also helped.) Pat was unsuccessful attempting this week to talk to the person who helped her then. Joe agrees to probe – who/how will decisions be made, $ be distributed? Perhaps all the NH infrastructure money has been earmarked. (_______ Caswell?) (Wouldn’t we hear about bidding?) Susan to write Cinde W,, Rebecca P-K; Joe to ask CENH & check the State’s Economic Development website.
Library display: John suggests we ask librarians to do an April “Earth Day” library display. John has a list of 30 climate books that he will share with our membership. Suggests also that high school Eco clubs could collate, and we can ask libraries to include other actions (students do a presentation, CCL presentation, film…) John’s list includes an order form for FREE brochures. John welcomes suggestions for additional titles.
Sharing talents within Network: Carol notes that CENH website has a page listing talents of their members: What expertise do you have, that you would be willing to help others with? (cleanenergy.org/our/members) Carol currently seeks individuals with architectural, energy efficiency expertise to help with housing projects at her town’s border. Could there be legal issues if we are perceived to endorse someone; look at the CENH directory to see how it’s done. Could be useful for our members, and also a way to get ourselves known.
BIA: A few powerful $ people want to keep climate out of the conversation. Can we find ways to collaborate? John Gage twice gave a CCL presentation to BIA. The March 14 launch is a good opportunity to talk to them. Phil Browne notes the US Military calls Climate Change a “Threat Multiplier” and expects coastal bases to be flooded. Mike Valasich (?)is head of the regional Small Business Assoc for New England and more (?) Get his group to come. Joe will ask Bob Backus to talk to BIA, to begin a relationship, to think about climate impact on their business future, and to come to our NONPOLITICAL informative 3/14 event. (Reinmar asks to be included in conversation with BIA.)
Dr. Barry Rock: Phil Browne will see if he’d like to moderate/interrogate our 3/14 speakers.
Technical: Won’t have LCV running 3/14. Are we okay? John will see if we could use CCL. See what the capacity is for CCL. Reinmar’s capacity is 300. (Possibility of webinar from Reinmar’s institution.)
NEXT MEETINGS: Feb 28 & March 7: Finish agenda, ensure we’re ready for 3/14. Susan can send both zoom links. Update of values/goals to happen after March 14.