Events 2022

Past Events and Recordings

NH Network Presents:  Local Action, Global Impact

Using the Power of Communities to Move Us Forward!
December 5th, 2022

An event to help us — individuals, small groups, towns & cities — take the LOCAL actions that when enough of us do them, will have GLOBAL impacts.

How we did it - Templates you can use - Why citizen actions matter

Slides: Plastics and Carbon Cash-Back

Slides: Solar Project Warrant Articles

Resources, templates, and links document:

Presentations from members of NH Network’s Plastics Working Group:

What 37 NH communities have done, and how you can help yours do it too.  Congress is listening!

What NH North Country communities have done to get Solar Projects deployed, and how you can help yours do it too. 

A Conversation with Tom Sherman and Colleagues

Candidate for NH Governor Senator Tom Sherman, NH Representative Kat McGhee, and NH Senator David Watters joined the New Hampshire Network for a conversation about environment, energy, and climate policy - past and present.   A personal look at how these influential veteran legislators prioritize policy options and work to get things done in the NH State Legislature, and their recommendations to control energy costs while addressing related concerns.

This election cycle is as significant as any in our lifetimes. How will we in New Hampshire approach our urgent environmental challenges over the next few years? OUR CHOICES WILL MATTER! Come pull up a chair and chat with three prominent leaders as they ponder NH’s environmental future with us. What are your priorities for protecting our landscapes, precious natural resources, and quality of life? What policies will best take us forward into an uncertain but opportunity-rich future?


(...and what can we do about it?)

Soaring energy bills are top-of-mind in New Hampshire these days. Can we blame them all on the war in Ukraine, or are they a result of policy action and inaction over a number of years? Two experts on the NH energy scene discuss how we got here and explore ways to remedy the situation.



We’ll hear the backstory of NH and federal energy policies along with international developments which have resulted in today’s high energy prices.  We examine the paths taken or not taken, and consider possibilities for the future.

Bringing CLIMATE HEALTH to our Communities, Businesses, 

Hearts & State

NH Network Annual Summit!

Networking for a Sustainable New Hampshire: 

What We Can Do Together

Health For Our Bodies

Robert Dewey, MD, Vice Chair of NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action, past president of NH’s affiliate of the American Heart Association, “A climate emergency is a health emergency.” 

Slides: How Does Climate Change Affect our Health?

Bob Dewey NH Network slides.pdf

Health For Our Communities 

Jonathan Jarvis, Director of State Operations &  Correspondence for the office of Senator Jeanne Shaheen, “How your Congressional Office can be a resource in obtaining Federal funds”

Slides: How Your Congressional Office Can Be A Resource In Obtaining Federal Funds

Jon Jarvis - How Your Congressional Office Can Be A Resource.pdf

Healthy, Sustainable NH Businesses

Dan Weeks, Vice President for Business Development of ReVision Energy, NHBSR Board of Directors

Mobilizing New Hampshire’s business community to combat the climate crisis

Susan Kaplan, Founder of Sustainable Futures Consulting, UNH Instructor of Sustainability in Action; Member and Volunteer with NHBSR. How members of NH Businesses for Social Responsibility improve their sustainable practices”

Susan Kaplan & Dan Weeks NHN Summit 2022 - Healthy, Sustainable Businesses.pdf

Healthful Lands & Waters 

Cynthia Walter, PhD, retired professor of Biology, “Growing Grassroots Solutions to Plastic Problems”  with the Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit

Slides: Growing Grassroots Solutions to Plastics Problems

Jon Swan, founder of Save Forest Lake (Dalton, NH): How to strategically defeat a new landfill development in 1155 days or less.” 

Cynthia Walter PWG-NH Network Summit 2022-Walter talk.pdf

Health for the Planet & Our Spirit

Susan Fuller, Director of NH Interfaith Power & Light, Earth Care Missioner of All Saints Episcopal Church, “How can we become better stewards of this planet?” 

For a Healthy Climate

John Gage, State Coordinator of NH Citizens Climate Lobby, Co-founder of the NH Carbon Cash-Back Coalition, “Working together on climate solutions"

John Gage NH Network 2022 June Summit Climate Summary.pdf

And Healthful Legislation to Get Us There!

Joe Kwasnik,  NH Network Co-founder, retired electric utility executive, and  former chair of the NH Electric Cooperative, “Creating legislative opportunities for the next legislative session...a proactive approach”

Joe Kwasnik - NHN Summit, June 18, 2022.pdf

NH Network Presents:  Community Power! 

Get Some for Your Town!! ✔ 

Monday,  May 9th, 2022

Hosted by Dori Drachman

Following Dori's presentation, more experts join for a Q&A:

Henry Herndon - Community Power Coalition of NH

Lisa Sweet - Community Power Coalition of NH

Sam Evans-Brown - Clean Energy NH


NH NETWORK Earth Day 2022: Call to Action for NH!  

Wednesday,  April 20, 2022

Members of the NH Network presented a snapshot of the Network's activities and demonstrated ways that folks can join & participate in protecting NH's environment.


Research Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Biology, UMass Boston

Manager-at-Large, NH Network

Climate Interest Group, NH Network

Manager, NH Network

Communications Working Group and Plastics Working Group, NH Network

NH Network Presents:
Crossover Season in the NH Legislature 2022

Monday,  April 11 ~ 5:30-7:00 pm

The Beauties and the Beasts 

of NH Environment, Energy and Climate Bills 

Three prominent lawmakers give their insights into bills that need our support or opposition:  

•  Senator David Watters 

Dover (Senate District 4)

•  Representative Kat McGhee  

Hollis (Hillsborough-District 27)

•  Representative Lee Oxenham 

Plainfield (Sullivan-District 1)

Meeting Description 

Three prominent New Hampshire legislators discussed the  Beauties and the Beastsenvironment, energy and climate bills that have survived and crossed over to the other chamber of the New Hampshire Legislature. 

We learned which bills should be supported, which should be opposed, and why. Our shared goal is to protect our environment, ensure a clean  and resilient energy future, and meet the challenges of climate change in  New Hampshire

Attendees refreshed their focus, to continue our active support and opposition to legislation in the House and Senate for the second half of the 2022  Legislative Session. 

NH Network Presents:  Is Net-Zero by 2050 Possible?

Monday, March 28th — 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Policy Options to Achieve US and COP26 Climate Ambitions

Accelerating the transition to abundant and affordable clean energy for a safe climate future.

A Climate Policy Workshop With MIT’s En-ROADS Climate Policy Simulator &
Economists’ Perspective on Efficient, Equitable, and Powerful Climate Policy

Post-Event Press Release


Event Description

The extent of future consequences from our climate pollution depends on what we do now.  Is it possible to reduce our carbon emissions from fossil fuels to net-zero by 2050 as required to hold global warming to 1.5˚C?  We evaluate our solution options with MIT Sloan School of Management and Climate Interactive’s En-ROADs Climate Policy Simulator, investigate the near-universally expert-recommended option of carbon pricing with a local leading expert, and provide actions that each of us can take to contribute to a successful personal, local, national, and global response!

NH Network Presents: Preparing for New Normals in NH's Climate

Monday, March 14th — 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

The science behind the 2022 NH State Climate Assessment Report

A discussion with the authors:

The new New Hampshire Climate Assessment is now published!

 February 2022 NH Network Event 

In case you missed it, click the button below for the recording.

Unwrap the Future: Practical Advice to Reduce Plastic Pollution in our Communities

A Panel Discussion to Launch the 

Ten Towns ● Ten Actions Toolkit

Monday, February 7th 6:30 - 8 pm (Virtual Event)

Moderator: Dr. Bob McLellan, NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action

Susanne Moser, PhD, “A Practical Guide to Effecting Change & Messages of Hope” is a geographer (Ph.D. 1997, Clark University) who works in the US and internationally as an independent scholar and consultant from a base in western Massachusetts, the unceded ancestral homeland of the Nipmuc and Pocumtuc. Her work focuses on adaptation to climate change, science-policy interactions, climate change communication, and psycho-social resilience in the face of the traumatic and transformative challenges associated with climate change. She has served on scientific advisory boards for Future Earth, the International Science Council, the US National Research Council and contributed to IPCC and US national climate assessments.

Portsmouth High School Environmental Change Organization

“Harnessing the Power of Youth Influence for Environmental Change” 

Christina Dubin, “Rethinking Plastic: Policies & Actions”

NH Surfrider Rise Above Plastics Coordinator, Sustainability Planner, UNH Carsey School

Patsy Beffa-Negrini, PhD, RDN, Introducing the Ten Towns Ten Actions Toolkit NH Network Plastics Working Group, Nelson Community Choice Aggregation Committee

Description: Globally, more than 380 million tons of plastic waste annually harm our health, pollute our environment, and hurt our economy. This panel discussion will highlight practical solutions individuals and communities are taking to address plastic pollution in NH, and launch the Ten Towns Ten Actions Toolkit. Our website contains a menu of actions, and contact information for technical support from our Ten Towns group of leaders. Learn how students in Portsmouth helped pass a ban on single use plastic, and how we can build momentum at a local level to demonstrate New Hampshire can break free from plastic.

Commit to taking action in your town!

Visit to learn more and join the campaign.

Hungry for More on Plastics? Suggested reading: The New Coal: Plastics (; How Bad Are Plastics Really? (  

Click Image Above for the Slides

Community Power Coalition of NH: Update & Relevant Legislation

Monday January 10th 5:30 - 7pm (Virtual Event)  

Featured speakers: Lisa Sweet, Director CPCNH, and Henry Herndon, Herndon Enterprises. 

Description: Community Power, made possible by recent legislative changes, enables cities, towns and counties to democratize their energy supply and have greater local control over sourcing electricity on behalf of their residents and businesses. Benefits can include lower costs, increased renewable energy, and development of local energy resources. Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) is a new nonprofit, created to support cities and towns towards launching programs. This presentation (see slides and video) helped NH Network members and friends learn more about Community Power, CPCNH, and relevant legislation at the NH State House.

Hungry for more on Community Power?  Take a look at Community Power: A New Way to Think About Your Energy Bill

CPCNH YouTube Channel:

December 2021 - NH Network Meeting

The December meeting of the NH Network looked at electricity in NH with our featured speaker Brian Callnan, Vice President of Power Resources and Access at the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative. He presented some of the basics of electricity in NH, such as where NHEC’s electricity comes from, how the cooperative model works in energy, the challenges of transmission, and how regulation impacts the cooperative. A summary of how NHEC’s new Transactive Energy Business model — the utility of the future — will help members connect Distributed Energy Resources.

On Oct 31, 2021

The NH Network Plastics Working Group invited Dr. Vanessa Druskat to one of our early meetings to share her insights into the 'Emotional Intelligence of Teams'.

The Fall 2021 Summit

The second New Hampshire Network Summit was held on Saturday, September 18th.  Groups across New Hampshire that focus on Environment, Energy, and Climate issues connected to amplify our collective impact.  

AGENDA: NOTE: YouTube video of the Intro, Guest Speaker, and Panel Discussion is below, courtesy of New Hampshire Citizens for Progress

Fall 2021 Summit

Recording of the Fall 2021 Summit Introductions, Guest Speaker, and Panel Discussion.

Rep. Lydia Blume: from approximately minutes 27:00 - 1:04:00

Panel Discussion: begins at  approximately minute 1:04:00 

Guest speaker:

Maine State Rep. Lydia Blume 

A successful model – what Maine has done

Panel discussion: 

Consumer Advocate Don Kreis,  Rep. Kat McGhee, former Rep. Bob Backus

Past and current NH legislators and regulatory experts share their views on why NH has consistently lagged behind other NE states on energy efficiency, clean energy deployment, and carbon emissions reduction -- and how we can help bridge these gaps. 

The June 2021 Summit 

The New Hampshire Environment, Energy and Climate Network (“The  NH Network”) held an in-person Summit on June 26th 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.  This was an organizing event to bring together New Hampshire’s environmental, energy, and climate-focused groups to review the functioning of the Network and how the Network can improve its utility for the groups within New Hampshire.


Contact to get more information or to join us.
